Lingtian Wushen

Chapter 452 Disparity in Strength

Chapter 452 Disparity in Strength
In everyone's perception, the strength of the three genius kings should be evenly matched.However, the sword strike just now has already explained everything, Yu Xuan's strength has already far surpassed Bai Li.

One sword almost killed Bai Li. Although Bai Li didn't use his full strength, there was no way to break that strange ability to seal a space.

At this moment, the three geniuses named by Yu Xuan couldn't care less about face.

Bai Li, Di Chong, and Mo Nu surrounded Yu Xuan, their breath was blocked, and they looked at the woman in front of them solemnly.Bai Li's face was even more gloomy. He was almost killed just now!
Yuxuan is dressed in a white palace dress, with plump breasts standing up from the belt, a graceful figure, and a perfect and pure face, she looks harmless to humans and animals, and is unparalleled in beauty.

Putting his hands on his chest, looking at the three of them with beautiful eyes, he said in a voice as light as the sound of nature: "You all break through, otherwise the strength of the three of you will not be my opponent."

Yuxuan's calm words carried strong confidence.Today, she is still at the peak of the ninth level of the Spirit Void Realm, and she hasn't even fully used her willpower.

However, Bai Li was forced to break through the Spirit King Realm.

Di Chong frowned, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and he said coldly: "Although you almost killed Bai Li just now, the titles of our three genius kings do not mean that they are equal in strength! Let me see Is it really that powerful!"

Even so, Di Chong's rough expression was still full of caution.

A beast-like roar uttered, and the whole person charged straight forward, ferocious like a lion, with seals on both hands, the power of the realm of will emanated, and the coercion of heaven and earth descended.

The power as thick as a mountain was condensed in his palm, and it was ruthlessly suppressed towards Yuxuan.

Seeing Di Chong's attack, Bai Li sneered, while Mo Nu rolled his eyes, watching everything cautiously and wondering what Yu Xuan's strength was.

"Emperor-level top-grade martial skill—Shenshan Seal!"

Di Chong let out a furious roar, combining the power of willpower and martial skills, he slapped down with his palm, like a giant mountain crushing down.

Yuxuan's expression remained unchanged, looking at Di Chong who was attacking, she said softly, "It's useless, can't you see the difference in our strength?"

Just as Yuxuan spoke, Qianqianyu clenched her hands into fists, blood-red flames flowed, and an evil force radiated out.

Still not using the power of the realm of will, Yu Xuan shouted coquettishly: "Fire Phoenix Fist!"

The attacks of the two seemed completely out of proportion.That show fist, bombarded out, looked extremely thin.

However, the moment Yuxuan swung it out, the whole space collapsed, as if under a powerful impact.

The power of the entire space poured into that punch, and even the power of heaven and earth borrowed by Di Chong was deprived and poured into Yu Xuan's fist.

The suppressed Shenshanyin suddenly became weaker.


Before Di Chong could react, his fists and palm prints bombarded together, and Xiuquan bombarded the phantom of the sacred mountain formed by his will, and the entire sacred mountain collapsed with a bang.

Di Chong's face changed, and a terrifying force came from his arm, causing his chest to constrict, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

With this punch, Yuxuan's physical strength was even stronger than his!

"Is this woman's body transformed from a divine beast? Why is Hu so powerful!" Di Chong was startled, and immediately wanted to retreat.

However, at this moment, Yuxuan stretched out her five fingers, squeezed it hard, and shouted softly: "Space bound!"

The space covering Di Chong is like a toy in Yu Xuan's hands, she can be manipulated at will.The whole space seemed to be turned into an iron cage, besieging Di Chong in it, and a powerful force compressed it fiercely.

At this moment, he seemed to be bound by countless ropes, unable to move!
Yu Xuan spun her body and kicked Di Chong's neck horizontally with a single whip.Those beautiful jade legs carried terrifying power, without the blessing of any mysterious will, and the pure physical power smashed down fiercely.

But just such a single whip, pierced through the space and ignited flames.

Di Chong's face changed drastically. Just now, Yu Xuan's physical body almost vomited blood with a single punch.

If he was hit by this sweeping kick, half of his body would be disabled!
"Block me!"

Di Chong yelled angrily, and his body turned into a demigod beast. The armor on his body inspired power and turned into a bottle barrier. At the same time, he broke free with his right hand and raised it against his neck.


Yuxuan's foot swept across Di Chong's arm, the protective barrier instantly shattered, the armor on his arm shattered into pieces, and his arm bent instantly, Di Chong's whole body was also swept away, a mouthful of blood flowed from his body Mouth squirt.

That half of the face instantly became bloated!

However, Yuxuan's attack didn't stop yet, she got into Youlong, and continued to chase away in a blink of an eye.

This time, she threw out her fists and punched Di Chong's head.

The Xiuquan blasted out, and there were many visions, and the dragon was flying in the sky.

The sacred flames on Yuxuan's body burned brightly, piercing the sky with a punch and crushing the space.She really used some strength in this punch, and wanted to take the opportunity to defeat Di Chong.

Di Chong's face immediately changed, his arm was already injured, and now he was facing this punch again, recalling the powerful power just now.

"Breakthrough to the Spirit King Realm!"

Di Chong made a decisive decision, the power from his body exploded in an instant, the whole space shook, and a breath of the Spirit King Realm burst out from him. !

"Beast Emperor Divine Fist!"

Immediately, Di Chong's whole body turned into a beast, and he punched out, and the whole space resounded with the roar of a beast.

The phantom of a divine beast landed on Di Chong's punch together with the feedback from the sky and the earth.

Yuxuan's expression remained unchanged, and she continued to attack.


Di Chong's fist was as big as a casserole, out of proportion to Yu Xuan's fist.However, in the next scene, everyone's mouths grew in shock.

Di Chong's whole body was like a shooting star flying across the sky, and Yu Xuan ruthlessly smashed him down to the ground, directly blasting the field out of a deep pit.

Silence, the audience was dead silent!
Everyone, seeing Yu Xuan who was as beautiful as a fairy in mid-air, was completely speechless in shock!

This is a complete torture!

Yuxuan, who was in mid-air, didn't have a trace of dust on her sleeves.With the arm resting on his chest, he was as quiet as a fairy, completely unable to see the ferocious attack just now.

The vision of the sky descended and rushed into the deep pit on the ground.

Di Chong's body slowly flew up, his face was still bloated, and most of the armor on his body was shattered by Yu Xuan's punch just now.

"Stupid, do you really think it was a fluke that she was able to defeat me with a single sword just now?" Bai Li sneered, with a gloating look on his face.

Di Chong's face was shocked, angry, and solemn, and he looked at Yu Xuan with a wave of fear in his heart.If he hadn't broken through quickly just now, he might have been killed by a punch!

Today, I was abused like this by a woman.He would never imagine such a thing before, nor would he believe it.

Hearing Bai Li's sarcasm, Di Chong glanced coldly and said, "You want to laugh at me? It seems that you are not much better than me!"

Bai Li's face was filled with anger, but he was powerless to refute.

The two were originally the most talented existences in the frontier, but today they were defeated one after another by a woman.And there is no way to fight back.

Looking at Yuxuan's relaxed appearance, it seems that she hasn't used her full strength yet!

The two glared at each other angrily, and then looked at Yu Xuan, their faces extremely gloomy and dignified.

"I have already said that you cannot be my opponent. Now I have not even used [-]% of my strength. It is impossible to win against me!"

Yuxuan said in a calm voice: "You blocked the young master's way forward, so I want to sweep you away. If you want to blame, you are the ones to blame. You should not be the enemy of the young master!"

This sentence instantly made Di Chong and Bai Li feel jealous and resentful.

Looking at Ling Tian fiercely, he has never felt so jealous of someone.

Both of them are one of the strongest geniuses in the frontier, and they boast that no one can compare.Today, Yuxuan was so completely abused.However, this woman is so infatuated with another trash that they said they dismissed.

"Such a peerless woman should belong to me!"

Even Dao Wuya was filled with jealousy. Although he was not afraid of Yuxuan's strength, being loved by such a woman was enough to make any man jealous.

Moreover, in Dao Wuya's opinion, only he is worthy of a woman like Yuxuan!
Countless men looked over with hatred.Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, unknowingly, he had aroused the collective hatred of his male compatriots.

However, seeing Yuxuan abuse the two kings of genius in such a way, Ling Tian was deeply moved.

"So Xuan'er has become so powerful!"

At this moment, Ling Tian finally understood that Yu Xuan was no longer the little girl who followed him and needed his protection, she had already grown up unconsciously.

Ling Tian's heart is complicated, but no matter what, Yu Xuan is still Yu Xuan, she is still a woman full of endless love for her young master.

"It seems that if I don't show my true strength well and win the championship, it will be difficult for me to be recognized by others."

Ling Tian understood that if he did not defeat Dao Wuya, he would prove his strength.I'm afraid everyone else will laugh at him.

"Xuan'er, be careful, don't get hurt!" Ling Tian couldn't help reminding Yu Xuan.

Yu Xuan turned her head and smiled sweetly at Ling Tian, ​​that way she was as rough and powerful as before.Just like a little girl.

"Don't worry, young master, they can't hurt me."

This sentence severely stimulated the self-esteem of Di Chong and Bai Li.How have they ever been so underestimated?
"Can't hurt you? Could it be that I, Bai Li, are so unbearable in your eyes?" Bai Li said angrily.

"It seems that we should also show our real skills, otherwise, we will be looked down upon!" Di Chong said coldly.

Although the two were angry, they also understood that it was impossible for Yuxuan to be an opponent with only one person's strength.

Subscriptions have dropped a lot, as expected, I don't want to say anything, Gold secretly cried...

(End of this chapter)

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