The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 559 These troublemakers are not easy to deal with

Chapter 559 These troublemakers are not easy to deal with

"I choose to let you go!"

"Shen Lanfeng, why are you so unreasonable?" Liu Yunshen had a bad attitude, and Si'er naturally didn't have much respect for the Shen family.

He pointed at Shen Lanfeng and said, "Then Master Lu is from our Liu family, what right do you have to not let us take him away? You can't justify this matter, no matter where you go, you won't take it for granted."

"Who is reasoning with you?"

Shen Lanfeng snorted coldly, "Since Shenjiazhuang is on my territory, what I say makes sense. You outsiders, hurry up and get out. Want to take people away? No way!"

He thought to himself that this matter was weird. First of all, Liu Yunshen is not an irrational person. Even if he feels sorry for his eldest sister, he should figure it out before asking the crime, right?
This matter is currently unclear, and Liu Yunshen's current state is really puzzling.

Secondly, there are these people behind Liu Yunshen, he doesn't look right no matter how he looks at them, so naturally he can't let him take them away.

"Indeed, it's not that easy to take people away!" Shen Kapok naturally felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, I heard one of them say, "Since you won't let us take him away, shall we snatch him, sir?"

Liu Yunshen didn't hesitate, and waved directly, "Then grab it!"

"Wow..." Leopard was stunned, "Godfather, how could you do this? I won't like you if you do this!"

"Bastard, I told you not to call me godfather, don't you have a long memory?" Si'er was angry.

The leopard snorted coldly, hugged Xiaohu and ran along his fur, "Who are you? Why does my lord listen to you? My lord can be called whatever he wants, and he can be called whatever he wants, hum!"

"Lots of nonsense!" Xinxin muttered to Leopard.

"What brother said is, let Xiaobai teach him a lesson later!"

When he heard that he was about to let the animals teach him a lesson, Si'er clamped his buttocks tightly.

"You still want to rob someone on the master's site?" Shen Lanfeng said, "Daughter-in-law, give me a kitchen knife!"

"You've got it!" Shen Kamian rushed forward while speaking, "It's just a few bastards, what a waste to use a knife? Hurry up and solve the cooking!"


Not far away, on the roof next door, Hu Er shouted, "Young master, do you want us to help?"

"If you want to come down, come down, or if you don't come down, go away, don't ask nonsense there!"

"Father, I'll help you!" Leopard rolled up his sleeves, and with a "wow", he was about to charge forward.

"Leopard, go back to me!" Shen Kamian shouted.

But he was hugged by Liu Yunshen first.

"Go away, kid!"

"Wow, bad godfather, let go of me quickly, if you don't let me go, I'm going to be rebellious!"

The leopard kicked around with its short legs, Liu Yunshen's eyes twitched, "Get out!" and dragged him away.

At this time, the battle on Shen Kapok's side was not over yet.

Shen Kamian became more and more puzzled, are these people very skilled?

The same goes for Shen Lanfeng. The moves he knows are just some moves he learned in the military camp. It is okay to deal with ordinary people, but it is not good enough to deal with this kind of hard-handed style.

Then he yelled at Hu Er, "Don't come down yet, wait for me to invite you?"

"Hey, come down here!"

Hu Er thought to himself that he just thinks the young master's fighting posture is quite handsome!I forgot to come down to help.

Seeing that they couldn't deal with Shen Kamian, these few people probably came here for nothing today, they looked at each other and stopped.

"My lord, these troublemakers are hard to deal with!" One of them suggested, "Why don't we go back and call some more people!"

(End of this chapter)

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