The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 815 Doubting the authenticity of Master Hui

Chapter 815 Doubting the authenticity of Master Hui

"Know you?" Mrs. Gu was a little surprised at this.

"Yes, we met during the Chinese New Year last year. Leopard and Master Hui have always talked like this. Master Hui has a big heart and doesn't mind it. But what mother said is right, we can't be rude just because someone has a big heart."

After hearing what Shen Mumian said, Mrs. Gu had nothing to say.

"Okay, since you know about it, I won't say more."

Madam Gu and Lin Huier returned to the room.

After a while at noon, Shen Mumian helped Shen Lanfeng make lunch together, but Master Hui didn't come out again during lunch, but Shen Lanfeng went over with a few bowls of meat, vegetables and rice.

When the empty bowl came back, Shen Mumian was a little shocked. There is such a monk who can eat meat. The bowls of meat are clean, but the vegetables are not touched at all. Is he really not afraid of getting sick or being blamed by the Buddha?
Seeing this, Lin Hui'er said in front of Mrs. Gu, "Mother, is this master Hui a fake? I've only heard that monks can't touch meat. How can there be a monk who eats meat better than us lay people?"

To be honest, Lin Huier hoped that this monk was a fake.

If it is false, then the order to Shen Mumian is also false. With such an order, she will only be a concubine for the rest of her life if she marries Shen Lanfeng in the future.

The old lady believes in Buddhism, as long as Shen Mumian's life is good, she will never let Shen Lanfeng divorce his wife.

But without this, it would be hard to say.

The old lady has already had a problem with Shen Kapok, as long as she works harder, there will be nothing she can't overcome.

"The behavior is indeed different, but the appearance cannot be faked."

Lin Huier still felt that something was wrong, so she said, "I heard that there is some disguise technique out there. What if this monk came to deceive Brother Lan Feng and the others by disguise? Although Brother Lan Feng was not an official of the court, but the Shen family has those fans. It's something profitable."

I have to say that this remark moved Mrs. Gu, and judging from what happened in Gu's family alone, there was such a thing as disguise technique.

If the matter hadn't been revealed, she wouldn't have known that the maid who used to serve her was pretended by someone else.

"Go, call Feng'er and the others."

"It's mother."

Lin Huier has gone, and Shen Mumian and Shen Lanfeng are preparing dumplings for the evening.

Leopard and Xinxin took a piece of dough and played with each other. Seeing her come in, Leopard snorted heavily.

If it weren't for her, how could I have no meat for a few days?If you file a complaint, you will file a complaint!
Leopard's cold snort was very loud, making Lin Huier a little embarrassed.

"Hui'er, what's the matter?" Shen Lanfeng didn't make a sound, so Shen Mumian had no choice but to make a sound, and he couldn't make people stand still.

"Sister-in-law, mother has something to do with brother."

Shen Mumian said to Shen Lanfeng after hearing the words, "Then you go and have a look, I'll take care of this."

"What's the hurry, I'll go with you after packing." He raised his head and said to Lin Huier, "You go first, I'll go later."

"But..." Lin Huier hesitated to speak, she really wanted Shen Lanfeng to go right away.Although she didn't like Shen Lanfeng very much, she didn't like the way the two of them raised their eyebrows like this, it was annoying!

"Okay, there must be nothing important for the New Year's Eve, it doesn't matter if it's later or later, you go first."

Shen Lanfeng doesn't like such people, he always speaks in half, thinking that he knows how to measure, but in fact he is just pretending to be deep.

(End of this chapter)

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