The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 83 How dare you say that you are tired of worshipping ancestors

Chapter 83 How dare you say that you are tired of worshipping ancestors
The ancestor worship in Shenjiazhuang is not held on such important days as Qingming or New Year's Day, but on May 28.

Because Shenjiazhuang escaped to the world on this day hundreds of years ago, this day has since been regarded as the new life of Shenjiazhuang, a new life brought about by the protection of the ancestors, so every year they choose to worship their ancestors on this day.

In the middle of May, Shen Hong and others went to the town to buy ghost paper, white cloth and other things, and even asked people to tie up white horse sedan chairs in the town.

But the gold ingots and paper flowers needed inside had to be folded at home.

The family surnamed Shen distributed some gold paper and colored paper to each household, and folded these things in each household.

Shen Mumian's house is no exception. Since May 23, she has been folding ingots and paper flowers at home.

As the days got closer, the entire Shen family's courtyard became more and more quiet.

Shen Kapok was looking forward to it, what kind of big moths could Shen Hongcha and the others come up with?

In the welcome of everyone, the day of May 28 has finally come!
When Shen Mumian and his family got up early, they all put on plain clothes, white cloth shoes on their feet, and a white flower on their temples.

Shen Mumian's family is a direct branch, and Shen Mumian is raised as a son, so she and Shen Lanfeng must take everyone to go to the river to burn paper and white horses.

Several clan elders asked people to carry the flower boat, Shen Kamian put ingots, Ming paper, white horse, etc. Push into the center of the river.

Shen Mumian originally thought that Shen Qing and the others would do tricks at this time, such as preventing the flower boat from burning, damage to the flower boat, etc. These were the reasons to attack her, but nothing happened.

"Kowtow..." After burning the sacrificial objects, the clansmen kowtowed by the river, telling the ancestors that next year the descendants will come again to give money to the ancestors.

"Kowtow again..."

"Kowtow again..."

After three times, everyone just stood up.

"Sister, are you tired?"

"Worshiping ancestors, how dare you say you're tired?" Shen Mumian went to look at her, and found that the smile in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

"Very happy?"

Shen Hongcha nodded, "Happy!" Shen Mumian was surprised, she didn't hide it at all.

Shen Hongcha thought about it in her heart that there is no more Shen kapian in Shenjiazhuang today, and she, Shen Hongcha, will be the most beautiful girl in the village, and she will marry the Liu family, the best family in the village, of course she is happy.

"What are you talking about?" Shen Hong yelled at the two people passing by, "Shut up, don't you know this will be quiet? Black tea, let me take off the skewers in your hands, you don't know that you can't bring gold and silver jewelry to ancestors ?”

"Uh, I forgot earlier, so I'll take it off now."

Shen Hongcha's face turned pale, secretly resenting her for forgetting such family rules, and scolding Shen Hong for being troublesome.

At this time, Shen Qing shouted, "Okay, all the families stand in line, now go to the ancestral hall."

Shen Kapok naturally walked ahead.

When he was about to arrive at the ancestral hall, Shen Hongcha asked softly, "Elder sister, do you know why I don't like you all the time?"

"Because you are so ugly!"

Shen Lanfeng who was standing beside her almost laughed out loud, it was really straightforward.

"But regardless of beauty or ugliness, the winner is the one who laughs last."

"Don't worry, I, Shen Kapok, must be the last one left."

Shen Hongcha cursed secretly, to make you feel awkward for a while.

"Uncle Hong, Uncle Qing, something happened to the ancestral hall..." The person who came was Qingshu from Shen Erkui's family.

(End of this chapter)

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