The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 888 Suggest to go to Songzi Temple

Chapter 888 Suggest to go to Songzi Temple

It's not that Shen Baicha has never been pregnant. Although she had a miscarriage and hurt her body at the beginning, Shen Lanfeng took care of her for a long time later, and she is almost on the mend.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to conceive after she got married last year, but she didn't know why the child wasn't kept, and it disappeared in three months.

I haven't been pregnant since then.

Don't say that An's is anxious about this matter, even Shen Baicha is anxious about it.

But if you are in a hurry, you can't urge it. This kind of thing can't happen just by urging it. Therefore, when An Shi said this again today, she couldn't hold back and turned back.

"It's useless to pay homage to the mother-in-law." An waved his hand and said, "The little Mao's family in our village has gone to pay homage many times, and up to now, I still haven't seen a single hair."

"That's the wrong place for her to worship." Shen Mumian said after hearing the words, "Did she send her son to worship in our town?"

Anshi asked curiously, "Yes, how did you know?"

"What don't you know? We all go to that temple to pray for children. But don't you think that there are so many people who go to pray every day. Can the concubine deliver them here? Let me tell you, you have to go far away beg."

"Go further away? Is there a Songzi Temple?"

"You go to Liuping Town, there is a temple over there, I heard it is very useful, but sesame oil is expensive, so few people go there. Anyway, your family doesn't lack that money now, you can try it."

She said that this really diverted An Shi's attention.

An Shi will not say anything about Shen Baicha asking her to remarry.

He pulled Shen Kapok and asked, "Where is the temple exactly? You tell me, and I will ask for it in the next two days."

"It's in Liuping Town, ten miles to the east, you'd better get someone to drive there."

"Kapian, does that temple really work? How much sesame oil do you need?"

"Of course it works. You know the big hair of the Yasharou family in our village? When her mother gave birth to him, she went to the temple to beg, and she went to the temple in Liuping Town."

She heard this incident by chance, so she used it to dismiss An Shi.

Saved, she dragged herself to keep commenting.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to prepare, and I'll go to Liuping Town the day after tomorrow." When she heard about the temple, An Shi was so happy.

He went to the house and came out again, "Kapian, let's have dinner at our house tonight, since Bai Cha got married, you haven't eaten here yet."

There is hope for the eldest grandson's affairs, An's heart is much more generous, Shen Mumian is also pleasing to the eye, and he doesn't even care about Shen Baicha asking her to remarry.

"I won't eat the meal. I'll talk to Baicha first. I have something to do when I go back."

Shen Baicha held hands when he heard the words, "Then let's go into the room and talk."

Then she said to her mother-in-law, "Go get some water and get some refreshments."

In front of An's, Shen Mumian couldn't speak well of her, and when he entered the room, Shen Mumian gave her a sideways glance.

"Are you out of your mind? You can still say those words? Fortunately, the baby is not at home. Would it make him feel at ease if he heard it? You are not choking your mother-in-law, you are cursing people to death."

Shen Baicha said embarrassingly, "I couldn't help it. Who made her speak so badly."

"Idiot, it's reasonable to hate people. Like you, you are obviously a reasonable person, but you turn into an unreasonable person when you speak."

"Then sister, what do you think I should do? She yells at the children every day, and she is so annoying."

It's not that she doesn't want children.

Every time she sees Xinxin so well-behaved and the leopard so cute, she gets very itchy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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