The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 936 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 936 Persuade to surrender
Zhanye looked sideways at the knife on his neck, a little unbelievable that he lost?
I was afraid that I would make a mistake, but the cold touch on his neck reminded him all the time that it was not an illusion.

Shen Mumian glanced at him, then raised his sword and shouted, "Your general has been captured, your lieutenant general has died, and you are also surrounded by us. Now, when you put down your weapons and surrender, this general will spare you. If a quarter of an hour has passed and you have not disarmed and surrendered, then you will only die once."

At this time, Gu Ba, who was behind this group of people, said very cooperatively, "Those who don't surrender will be killed, kill, kill, kill!"


The soldiers in the battlefield were completely surrounded by the sound of killing at this moment, and the sound of killing made people panic, and then one, two, three...all put down their sabers.

No one wants to die. If they can survive, surrender is no big deal. For ordinary soldiers, internal rebellion and foreign invasion are different concepts.

Apocalypse's domestic rebellion only changed the people on the dragon chair, and it was their leaders who needed to consider standing in line, and for them, they had to live as long as they could.

If it is not Shen Kapok who is attacking the city now, but people from southern Xinjiang, maybe they will choose to fight to the death, after all, it is annihilation of the country, and there will be eggs under the nest.

And Zhan Ye himself was not surprised by this, who knew who led the soldiers.

"General Zhan, are you going to surrender or not?"

At this time, Shen Mumian looked at Zhan Ye, "Although a real man would rather die than surrender, I always think that a real man should be a person who judges the situation and does not care about trivial matters, rather than a blind, loyal and filial person."

"Haha..." Zhan Ye laughed, "False, women's fallacy!"

Shen Kapok didn't speak, just quietly waiting for his answer.

Zhanye, she didn't want to kill him. This is a talent. He would lose to her today because of the difference between men and women. If Heihu or Linda led the team today, he wouldn't feel contemptuous.

"Let me ask you, did you kill Lieutenant General Gao?"

Zhanye doesn't intend to surrender, but he has doubts. If he doesn't figure it out, he will die with regret.

"Yes!" Shen Mumian said lightly, "Not only was your senior lieutenant killed by my people, but also your other lieutenants, captains, and even the nominal military adviser were killed by my people."

Zhan Ye was shocked, and he said, why didn't anyone else see it.

He said, he didn't know why the city gate was broken and people entered the city.

"How did you manage to kill them all overnight?"

Except for the military adviser, the people around him were not weak, why did they die so quietly?

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the group of black-clothed teenagers who besieged him just now.

The skills and coordination of these teenagers are as powerful as a poisonous snake lurking on the battlefield, biting where the danger is the greatest.

Even he was defeated by these people, if these teenagers use the same method to encircle other people...

This is a perfect misunderstanding.

Zhan Ye thought that Feng Yi and the others were responsible for the death of Lieutenant Gao and the others.

Actually not, those people were just killed by a few baskets of scorpions, otherwise how could there be no movement at all?
Also because of today's misunderstanding, the names of Feng Yi and the others were spread.

So much so that after a long time, the outside world was still rumored that Shen Mumian had a strange soldier under his command, brave and good at fighting, one of the top ten.

Zhan Ye knew what he wanted to know, so he gave up!
(End of this chapter)

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