The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 984 The Emperor Dies

Chapter 984 The Emperor Dies
Shen Lanfeng nodded and said, "What you said is a way, but now the west is going to fight your mother. I heard that some troops have been infected. If we don't save people at this time, it will be very powerful for your mother's march , but if we are saved, the opponent's strength will increase greatly, and it will increase the pressure on your mother."

"Then what should we do?" Xinxin thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go to find our mother quickly, and discuss it with my mother then, we can't really watch people die."

"Well, that's what Dad meant too."

Shen Lanfeng touched his head.

"Young master, there are two other letters."

"From the capital?"

"One from Beijing, one from Ruicheng."

"Ruicheng?" Shen Lanfeng was a little curious. During the time he was in the capital, Shen Mumian hadn't written to him directly yet.

All the news about her came from Gu Jiu, and she didn't know that he had arrived in Yong'an, so how could she write him a letter?

I opened the letter with some curiosity, but got angry after just one glance.

"This stinky boy!"

It turned out that the letter was written to him by the leopard, and he could easily know where he was by using his little sparrow.

"Father, brother wrote it?"

"Who else is it if it's not him? I've been blind all day, and see how I deal with him later."

"What did Leopard write?" Xinxin stood on tiptoe, wanting to read.

Seeing this, Shen Lanfeng gave him the letter.

Xinxin laughed when he read the first line. Little Leopard wrote it like this, "Zhan Xinjia, how are you, old man Shen, did you sleep well last night? Did you sleep well? You didn't sleep well. I'm happy. Because I slept well, I slept with my mother last night..."

In short, a series of words that stimulated Shen Lanfeng, writing about what he ate and drank with Shen Mumian every day, and Shen Mumian hugged him and took him to sleep...


Xinxin couldn't help laughing after watching it, thinking that my younger brother was indeed too frightened, so why don't she think about what to do when she sees her father in the future?
Shen Lanfeng opened another letter with a stinky face, this one was from the capital, it turned out that the emperor failed to handle the poison and died!
And it is necessary to order the guards from all over the country, including the border guards, to enter Beijing to collapse.


Shen Lanfeng asked, "Who issued the order?"

"It's King Chengshan."

"It seems that he wants to take the throne."

At this time, it's okay to let the guards from all over the country enter the capital, but let the border guards also enter the capital, isn't it afraid that southern Xinjiang and other places will take advantage of it?
And if all the guards have entered the capital, will the difficulties in the capital be solved?

They are not afraid that the enemy will take them all at once.

"Send one copy of this news back to Chuanyu, and one copy to Madam."


At this time, Xinxin asked again, "Father, when are we going to leave?"

"Are you in such a hurry?" I didn't see that this was still a child with a quick temper.

"Isn't it already in Yong'an? We'll see Mother and Leopard soon."

"No matter how anxious you are, don't be in a hurry. Let's take a good rest tonight. Let's set off tomorrow morning."


Ruicheng, Leopard is thinking when he has nothing to do, Old Man Shen should have received his letter, why hasn't he replied yet?
Could it be that he was sick from anger?

Well, his little head thinks further and further.

After staying in his tent for a while, he felt bored again, so he went to find Yunxian.

The first thing he said was, "Hey, you still haven't surrendered? What's the point of you holding on like this?"

"It's none of your business whether I surrender or not?"

Yun Xian's injuries are almost healed these days, but he can't move.

(End of this chapter)

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