The god-level village chief of online games

Chapter 50 The saliva of the wind wolf king

Chapter 50 The saliva of the wind wolf king

After another 20 minutes, playing on and off, Ye Feng finally came to the second boss, Gale Wolf King.

Maybe the programmer knows that the wolf king's weakness lies in the tail. This time, the wolf king's design is obviously a bit wretched. The wolf king's tail is not raised, but drooped. It is a bit difficult for Ye Feng to attack the tail.

Ye Feng stepped forward to test it first, the speed of this guy is still so fast, and the attack is obviously much higher than that of ordinary dungeons, but the careful Ye Feng found a subtle weakness, that is, the tail is drooping when the wolf is moving, but When attacked by Ye Feng, the tail turned up unconsciously. Although the time was short, it was not impossible.

Ye Feng withdrew from the fighting state temporarily, and carefully recalled the series of actions of the wolf king just now. The time was very fast, less than 1 second at most, and the wolf king had an extra skill. The ordinary magic wolf wagged its tail to release the skill, and this guy It's roaring.

As long as he roars, Ye Feng will be attacked by the sound wave if he is a little further away, and it's okay if he is farther away. As long as he is a player, he will know this distance a few times, but it can also be used by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took a breath and stepped into the battlefield again. The Gale Wolf King started his attack, and Ye Feng was not soft on his hands. As long as the wolf king attacked him in close quarters, Ye Feng would turn into a warrior. As long as the wolf king walked away, Ye Feng He immediately became a long-range thug, which made the wolf king a little uncomfortable, especially when he attacked himself from a long distance, the damage was very painful.


The wolf king made a sonic attack, and Ye Feng was shocked back a step. Galewind wolf king was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly came to Ye Feng's side, wanting to launch an attack when Ye Feng was injured.

But the Gale Wolf King found out that he was wrong. Ye Feng was seducing the Wolf King. As long as this guy wanted to attack him wholeheartedly, he would definitely leave some openings.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at Ye Feng's side, Ye Feng's dark entanglement had already been issued, and the wolf king felt that he had been fooled, so he turned around and was about to speed up and escape.

And at this moment, an arrow followed the wolf king's chrysanthemum unhurriedly.


【Ding!System prompt: The Gale Wolf King is attacked by a weak point, and his speed is reduced by 50% for 30 seconds! 】

Hey, why is it only 30 seconds this time?It seems that the difficulty has increased a lot, but in these 30 seconds, Ye Feng directly dealt explosive damage, let alone not giving Galewind Wolf King a chance.

After 30 seconds, the Gale Wolf King, whose blood volume had been halved, stared at Ye Feng bitterly with his tail between his legs. Ye Feng said, "If you obediently let me kill you, I won't explode your ass."

The Gale Wolf King yelled at Ye Feng a few times, venting his anger and dissatisfaction.

It's a pity that Ye Feng won't let this guy go. The Kongming lantern above his head increased Ye Feng's attack by 10%, and Ye Feng waved his hand.

"Dark Coil!"

The speed of the Gale Wolf King slowed down, but the next moment his tail flicked, the Gale Wolf King directly escaped from Ye Feng's control, and his normal speed dropped by 50%, but he accelerated, and Ye Feng had no choice.

It's a pity that what Ye Feng wants is your acceleration. After using the acceleration just now, it will take about 10 seconds for this guy to accelerate again.

"Frozen Ground Net!"

The Gale Wolf King was frozen in place by Ye Feng, with group attack skills, range attacks, and explosive damage, which made the Gale Wolf King miserable. Even if he could move, his movement speed would be reduced by 2% for 70 seconds.

"Dark Fireball!"

A fireball directly hit Galewind Wolf King's head, causing him to scream.

【Ding!System prompt: The Gale Wolf King has entered a berserk state. 】

"Damn, there's still rage!"

The Gale Wolf King who entered the berserk state had a great attack power, and he slapped Ye Feng directly on the ground with one paw. With his bloodthirsty eyes, he almost wanted to eat Ye Feng.

Gale Wolf King stepped on Ye Feng's body, his fierce expression, and the saliva dripped on Ye Feng's face.

Ye Feng held Randolph's long sword in his hand, and pierced the Gale Wolf King's chrysanthemum with a sword.


The Gale Wolf King rolled on the ground in pain, and Ye Feng got up from the ground.

"Bah, damn it's so disgusting, the saliva flowed into my mouth, vomit~"

On the one hand, Ye Feng wanted to vomit and couldn't vomit, and on the other hand, the Gale Wolf King had his chrysanthemum exploded by Ye Feng, as if he was seriously injured.

【Ding!System prompt: The Gale Wolf King has been fatally wounded and is in a weak state! 】

"Damn, tell you to let me eat your saliva, I will kill you!"

Thinking about the saliva of the Gale Wolf King flowing into his mouth, Ye Feng couldn't bear the upheaval in his stomach.

No resentment was directly turned into motivation by Ye Feng, and it all came out of Galewind Wolf King.

In less than a minute, Galewind Wolf King was howling, and finally stopped moving.


The Gale Wolf King fell to the ground and died. A piece of equipment exploded from his body. It was a pair of shoes.

疾风之靴(4星蓝色):物理防御10-15 魔法防御8-13 移动速度+10 需要人物等级:15级装备职业:唯一主动技能疾风——在开启疾风后的5秒内,移动速度增加20%。


This is to explode the recruitment skills of Galewind Wolf King, which is really a relief.

Ye Feng put on the Gale Boots directly, and the previous green shoes can finally be retired.

Now the equipment on Ye Feng's body has changed drastically. Three pieces of blue equipment have been added all of a sudden, and the attributes are all good.

After packing up everything, Ye Feng is ready to go to the last boss, but Ye Feng has been in the dungeon for almost an hour, and he just finished fighting the second boss. If he tells it, no one will believe it.

The third boss is still the Major General of the Demon Race, but the mobs on the road have changed. They were originally only the vanguard of the Demon Race, but now they have become the Demon Race General, and a Demon Wolf has also been added.

The level of the demon general is level 16. Now it seems that the level of the king level dungeon, the level of the last boss has also increased by 1 level.

Ye Feng crippled the wolf's tail with one arrow, saving it from attacking him with its wind blade.

The demon generals of the demon clan were also activated, and the three demon generals came towards Ye Feng aggressively, wanting to kill Ye Feng, the intruder.


Ye Feng's archer hit the magic general with a normal attack, and there was a sound of metal collisions. Ye Feng realized that the opponent had a strong immune effect against physical attacks.

Sure enough, even with the archer's skill, its damage is not very high, and the most damage is not more than a hundred.

Ye Feng is not stupid, he switched to a mage in an instant, but he didn't expect that the damage of the mage would have a bonus effect on the damage of the magic general. In this way, Ye Feng actually understood the programmer's intention.

A team of 5 people, usually a tank fighter, a nanny priest, a long-range archer and a mage, or an assassin with high burst damage, usually this combination may be the same, but if this is the case, it will be very difficult for the boss in the next level. Difficult to fight, relatively more immune to physical damage, mage is the main output, then the whole team will not be able to play the effect at all.

Fortunately, the spell damage effect is good. With Ye Feng's positioning and control skills, Ye Feng can still deal with ordinary mobs.

 Tomorrow, 5 more walks!Then let me save the manuscript!I implore you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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