Chapter 540 Helpless
"Hey! President, what's going on today? Why are so many people resigning!"

Da Mo has always been responsible for the management of members, but today, some members of the Glory Guild unexpectedly resigned for no reason.

Like the members of King's Landing, they have already brought liquidated damages, so you don't need to persuade them, they just left, just to say hello to you.

Ye Feng also frowned, this resignation without warning made him puzzled.

Moreover, all of them were high-end players, all from the Glory Guild, and all of them were elite players belonging to the Glory Guild.

Ye Feng frowned and said, "Look where they all went?"

"I saw that they all went to Tu Feng's meeting, but I don't know why they went to Tu Feng's meeting. No one told me why!"

"I know why!" Yu Mengmeng said!

Ye Feng asked curiously: "You know, let's hear it!"

Yu Mengmeng said: "Maybe they don't know my identity, they have looked for it in private, and they said they would give me three times the salary of the Glory Guild, and let me join the Tu Feng Guild!"

Da Mo looked at Yu Mengmeng in disbelief, and said: "Three times the salary, my God, are the people in Tu Fenghui crazy? This is a loss-making business!"

Ye Feng frowned, it must be a loss, but how could there be so few people in Tu Fenghui?Do this kind of loss-making business.

Ye Feng asked: "Ask our 007 to see what happened!"

Before Da Mo could ask, Aotian had already run over.

Aotian panted and said: "The big thing is not good, Tu Fenghui is trying to recruit the masters of the whole server, and wants to dominate the fantasy world!"

Ye Feng asked: "What exactly happened?"

Aotian said: "Just now, the presidents of the top ten guilds and I gathered together for a meeting!"

"With the previous presidents of the top ten guilds, that is, the current president of King's Landing, how did you get together?"

Aotian quickly explained: "President Ye Feng, don't be impatient, let me tell you slowly!"

Ye Feng nodded, quietly waiting for Aotian to tell.

The day after tomorrow, I told Ye Feng what happened today, and Ye Feng frowned.

"President, the current situation is that the world of King's Landing doesn't have much combat effectiveness at all. Almost all the backbone forces in the world have been poached. Three times the salary. Which guild would be stupid enough to pay so much to keep an employee? !"

Ye Feng nodded and said: "That's true. With a salary of tens of thousands a month, how can anyone be willing to stay and get a salary of thousands of dollars! Isn't it for the money that everyone joins the guild? !"

"Yes, that's how it is. If the difference is not that big, one or two thousand yuan, maybe they will still have concerns, but this is a difference of tens of thousands of yuan, who has any worries!" Aotian said!
At this time, Chu Tianye and others also gathered around Ye Feng, because they also found that some people in the guild kept quitting the guild, and they wanted to find them without asking about the situation. here.

"Ye Feng, what's going on? Why do many members of the guild quit our guild, and they are all members of our guild's elite group!" Misty Rain frowned and said!

Ye Feng said: "Sorry, please tell me again!"


After Aotian finished speaking, all the members became angry. This must be a good thing that Long Qiang did, except for him, I am afraid that there is no such stupid person.

"This Long Qiang is simply bad!"

"Too disgusting for this guy!"

Ye Feng said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. Tomorrow night is the opening event of the Blood God Sword Village. With our ability, I am afraid that we will not be able to win the Blood God Sword Village at all!"

Xiao Hei said: "Boss, are you crazy? With our current ability, how could we possibly be able to deal with the Butcher Guild? It has gathered the elite members of the three guilds!"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes, and Xiao Hei said: "You pretend I don't know, what I mean is, we won't participate in tomorrow's Blood God Sword Village event!"

Aotian sighed: "I really don't know what's going on, this Long family actually participates in the online game world!"

Although Ye Feng understood the problem, he would not say it clearly.

Ye Feng said: "How many members are quitting the guild now!"

Da Mo said: "I'm afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow morning to get the specific statistics!"

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow, Aotian, take me to meet the president who rules the world!"

"Well, that's exactly what I mean, why don't we all go together?"

Ye Feng nodded and said: "That's fine, anyway, they are all our own people, so it doesn't matter if you go and have a look!"

With Aotian's help, Ye Feng and the other nine presidents finally met.

Fourth, Ye Feng and others have come to the territory of King's Landing. This is the first time they have come to the territory of both sides since they were hostile.

Otherwise, the appearance of Ye Feng and others caused quite a commotion. Although Junlin Tiantian was able to leave a lot today, most of the ordinary players stayed here. After all, Tu Feng would not need those ordinary cannon fodder.

The president of the Ninth Congress met with Ye Feng and others. They came to a house and discussed related matters.

Among the dragon family!

"Father, the high-level players in the entire Fantasy World are now in our guild, and now King's Landing is useless! Those investors are already panicked!"

"Haha, fighting our Long Family, this is the price they have to pay! And what happened to the Long Yao Guild!"

"We also dug out a large number of their high-level players, but even if their two guilds unite, they are not our guild's opponent!"

"Haha, since that's the case, it's time to implement our plan!"

"Father, if tomorrow, I will replace it with the extremely important Blood God Sword Village event, which is the symbol representing the number one guild in the world!"

"Very good, take him down!"


I am in the territory of King's Landing, Ye Feng and others are discussing.

"President Ye Feng, you also know the current situation, and the same situation must have occurred in your guild!"

Ye Feng nodded and said: "Yes, that's true! But our Glory Guild is much better than yours!"

The lunatic smiled wryly. Of course he knew that there were not many high-level players in the Glory Guild, and it didn't have a great influence on them.

But there are many high-level players in King's Landing, and they have a great influence on them.

The fanatic said: "I'm not satisfied with President Feng. In fact, even if you don't come to us, we will go to you. After all, in the current situation, I think there is no other possibility except for merger!"

"Merger? Don't even think about how you left us in the first place, do you still know?"

When it came to the merger, Xiao Hei had an unhappy expression on his face, venting his emotions.

Although what Xiao Hei said was not wrong, the mistake was something they committed before, and they should bear it themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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