Fu Shao knelt down today?

Chapter 519 You Let Me Down

Chapter 519 You put me down (1)

At the end of the holiday, everyone returned to the crew and started high-intensity filming.

Except for filming time, Gu Liuxing almost slept, even on the way back and forth to Shengjing every day.

half a month later.

Story shooting has reached its climax.

Meng Ran was completely unable to control his second personality, and made an incredible decision to kill someone himself.

Blood splattered on the hem of her skirt, like gorgeous flowers in full bloom.

Her eyes were extremely cold, as if she could freeze three feet, she slowly stood up, staring at the dead with a creepy smile on her lips.

Wei Tu looked at the picture on the screen, his heart flinched, and he secretly sighed: This acting is so good.

After filming this scene, Wei Tu notified that the filming location in other places has been arranged, and we will start tomorrow morning, so we will stop work early today to give everyone time to prepare.

Everyone bid farewell to the director and got into their own cars.

Back in Shengjing, it happened to be dinner time, when Gu Liusha saw her, he happily called out "Mommy".

Fu Yanchen looked at her sharp face with distress, and kept putting meat in her bowl.

After eating, Gu Liuxing packed her luggage in the room, while Fu Yanchen next to her stared at her with dissatisfaction.

"Two weeks at the filming location?" he asked.

Gu Liuxing nodded, "If the progress is fast, ten days will be enough."

As far as that is enough, I will praise Wei Tu's damn obsessive-compulsive disorder, and praise him if I don't delay him.

With a straight face, Fu Yanchen picked up Gu Liuxing and walked out of the locker room without saying a word.

Gu Liuxing had just finished eating, when he suddenly carried him on his shoulders, he let out a cry of surprise, his stomach felt very uncomfortable, and there was a burst of churning.

"Fu Yanchen, what are you doing, let me down." Gu Liuxing grabbed his clothes and pulled them, patting his strong back.

Fu Yanchen didn't speak, but quickly proved to her what he wanted to do with his actions.

After a while, a woman's moans and a man's panting came from the room.

Fu Yanchen said that he collected a week's benefits in advance, but he was very gentlemanly and really collected a week's benefits. Gu Liuxing finally fell asleep tired and let him do whatever he wanted.

But it won't be long before she will be woken up several times.

Every time, Fu Yanchen's dark eyes stared at her, and when he caught her consciousness, he accelerated and intensified his movements.

Gu Liuxing's body is so sensitive that he can only sink with him.

It was around two or three o'clock in the morning before he let Gu Liuxing go, hugged her to take a bath, and then fell asleep together.

The next day, Gu Liuxing was woken up by the alarm clock on time, moved her body, but found that there was no discomfort under her body, turned her eyes to see the medicine on the bed cabinet, and choked speechlessly.

As always, when she was about to get up, Fu Yanchen would not let go, and wrapped his arms around her waist. After she coaxed him nicely and kissed him again, he would show mercy and let go.

All the crew members arrived at the shooting location in batches and arranged accommodation. Wei Tu didn't even give them a break, so he gave an order and announced the start of work.

Suddenly there was a whimper, Wei Tu directly raised the horn and roared, everyone was as quiet as a chicken, and devoted themselves to the filming.

The later the filming of the plot, the more complicated Meng Ran's emotions became, and Gu Liuxing was stopped several times.

Reluctantly, he played with Gu Shijing in private.

For the first time, Gu Shijing didn't embarrass her, and he played with her very professionally, but... only for the play.

Gu Liuxing also knew how to advance and retreat, so he definitely didn't joke anymore.

After five days of continuous work, the filming came to an end step by step, and the official blog of "Mi Ye" was launched, releasing a set of stills.

Meng Ran and Xu Lan were widely acclaimed and aroused heated discussions.

 Ahhh, the operation was wrong, and the copy was wrong, sorry, it has been changed~
(End of this chapter)

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