Chapter 548 It's Over (1)

Office of Chairman Fu.

Fu Yanchen immediately terminated all contracts with Tang Zheng's company. As soon as the decision was conveyed, his cell phone rang crazily.

Fu Yanchen glanced at the screen coldly and ignored it.

After a long time, the phone finally quieted down. After a while, the phone started buzzing and vibrating again, and the person on the caller ID became Fu Yantian.

Fu Yanchen pressed the button to refuse.

In the law firm, Fu Yantian listened to the busy tone on the phone, sighed helplessly, and then replied a text message to Fu Yanxi:
[There is no turning back]

Fu Yanchen is determined to teach Fu Yanxi a lesson, who can persuade him.

When Fu Yanxi received it over there, he smashed his phone in a fit of anger.

When Tang Jin came back from school, he saw the mobile phone flying to the door, and his mother had the princess disease again!

He put his hands in the pockets of his coat, glanced at it, and hopped upstairs with his schoolbag on his back, not taking it seriously at all.
When Zheng Shen came in with the documents, Fu Yanchen was looking at the materials of "Jiaying" on the computer.

"Director Fu, here is the document you want." Zheng Shen handed it over respectfully and put it on the table.

Fu Yanchen said coldly: "Tell Tianshi to terminate the contract with Su Xiyuan immediately, and tell the people below to start investigating 'Jiaying' and the accounts of Su's family!"

Things were within Zheng Shen's expectation, he was quite calm, and left the office after answering.

Fu Yanchen looked at the information for a while, then the hand holding the mouse stopped suddenly, and his attention was also distracted.

Thinking of Gu Liuxing trying to persuade him to allow her to act in "Mi Ye", Fu Yanchen's eyes darkened.

Tomorrow's premiere, if the box office is not good, Gu Liuxing should be very disappointed...

Time has entered the first day of May, and "Mi Ye" is in full swing.

At the same time, there was also a youth-themed movie made by Su Xiyuan last year. This kind of movie is easy to win awards.

Because "Mi Ye" was deliberately brought up as a topic the day before, there were mixed reviews on the Internet, and with the box office competition of the films in the same period, even Wei Tu's production was not favored.

The box office is mostly supported by fans of Gu Shijing, fans of the original book, a small number of fans of the actors, and diehard fans of Gu Liuxing.

In the studio, Nanqiao sighed while watching Su Xiyuan's movie, which had a significantly lower box office than "Mi Ye".

"It's over, it's over, you've decided on this pot, the original publicity was just right, a hype, it directly disgusted most people, so they just gave up."

Jiang Mianmian's anxious eyes were red, and she persuaded: "Sister Liuxing, I gave all my relatives and friends movie tickets, and asked them to support you."

Gu Liuxing smiled at her, gratefully said: "Mianmian is so caring."

Jiang Mianmian automatically interpreted the smile as a forced smile, she frowned and said in a low voice, "Sister Liuxing, if you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to laugh."

Gu Liuxing: "..."

so obvious?

It seems that this movie is going to be ruined in her hands. Think about it, I'm sorry for everyone, and Tianshi has invested a lot of money, so maybe it still won't win the best movie award today.

Fortunately, Fu Yanchen was here, and those advertisers hadn't terminated their contracts with her to lose money.

After a decadent day in the office, Gu Liuxing drove back to Shengjing listlessly.

As soon as the car was started, a call came in. Gu Liuxing looked at the caller ID and suddenly felt a little sour.


Gu Liuxing's voice was low, and he thought he could get a few words of concern and comfort, but the other side said: "Gu Liuxing, I'm in Xingchen Villa, my car broke down, come and pick me up."

He didn't care about her movie today?

That's right, the box office may be very important to her, but to him, it's just how much he earns, and it doesn't matter if he loses.

Feeling resentful in her heart, Gu Liuxing said lightly: "You let Zheng Shen go, I'm a little tired today."

"Gu Liuxing, what do you mean?! It's so difficult for you to pick me up? You haven't been fine all day."

Yes, I just don't want to pick you up, what's the matter?

Fu Yanchen said: "My phone is almost out of battery, come here quickly!"

Fu Yanchen finished speaking in a bad tone and hung up the phone.

Gu Liuxing was even more upset, but he still went to pick him up obediently, even if he wanted to lose his temper, he had to do it in front of him!
She can let him sleep in the guest room tonight, on the sofa!
After thinking about a hundred ways of punishment, Gu Liuxing's anger finally subsided a little.

As the car got closer and closer to Xingchen Villa, the white birch trees on both sides were no longer bare in winter, but full of vitality.

The unique light of the setting sun shrouded the branches and scattered through the gaps, as if in a fairyland.

A few birds are jumping on the branches, getting tired, and flying high.

When she came here again, her mood was very different. She looked at every scene here with a smile in her eyes.

Gu Liuyue was even more moved when the car drove past the huge stone engraved with the words "Xingchenshu".

This place is like a memory box, keeping the most important memories of him and her, and telling her that they are completely together, aboveboard.

See, their names are together, engraved on a big stone, maybe not to the end of time, but for the rest of their lives, nothing can separate these two words.

Recalling what he came here for, it was the moment Gu Liuxing saw Fu Yanchen's car.

The longing suddenly disappeared, everything was a dream, and all the good things were destroyed by Fu Yanchen's terrible tone.

Gu Liuxing slammed the car door hard, trotted up the steps, and was about to knock on the door, but saw that the door was not closed and opened a crack.

"Fu Yanchen?" She pushed open the door, and in sight, the whole villa was pitch black, and there was no one on the first floor.

Is it upstairs?

  Co-chapter~It’s not easy to break~
  Guess what happens next~
(End of this chapter)

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