Mei love

Chapter 508: Your Highness Has Found It

Chapter 508: Your Highness Has Found It (4)
"There is nothing special, just pass by Phoenix City, come to see me, and then we will chat, talk about private things." Duan Qingwan secretly rejoiced, this trick really worked, but there was nothing leaked on his face. Not the slightest difference.

"When did you and her have such a good relationship? Are you talking privately?" Baili Rui frowned slightly, a little dubiously.

"She and I are confidants, confidants who talk about everything. By the way, she even gave me a fan-shaped ice pendant, which she said was her favorite. She said that I am her most trusted friend." Duan Qingwan's face Not red, not out of breath, and speaking with confidence and confidence.

In fact, Li Man never went to find her, nor did she give her any ice pendants. Duan Qingwan made up this by herself. Duan Qingwan found that the ice pendant was worn by Li Man all the time. Li Man must like it very much. Yes, that's why Duan Qingwan said that on purpose.

"Did she give you her ice pendant?" Sure enough, when Baili Rui heard her words, his face was obviously a little more shocked, and his voice changed slightly.

"Yes, she gave it to me, but I didn't bring it with me. If the prince is suspicious, he may go to Phoenix City to check. Now the ice pendant is still in my room, together with the jade items His Highness gave me." Duan Qingwan's eyes widened, and the expression on her face couldn't be more natural.

"Is your relationship with her really that good?" Baili Rui obviously believed it at this moment, and there was a little strangeness in his eyes.

"Of course it's good, and it's very good. They talk about everything, and they trust each other the most. Let's put it this way, Li Man will never have the slightest doubt about what I say." Duan Qingwan said There was no hesitation in his tone.

"Oh, it's also good to have a trusted friend." Bailirui paused, and if he thought of something, it was obviously Li Man.

The corners of Duan Qingwan's lips raised slightly, with a mischievous smile.

"Don't talk too far, let's go see elder brother first." Bailirui came back to his senses, and said again, but this time his tone was obviously relaxed a bit, and he didn't pull Duan Qingwan away forcefully.

"Li Man believes in me and believes in everything I say. Will the prince mind if I tell Ben Man something about you?" Duan Qingwan stood still, her face was gone at this moment. The nervousness has completely returned to its usual indifference.

Baili Rui wanted to gloat over her excitement, hum, don't even think about it.

"What do you mean?" Baili Rui's expression changed slightly, and he looked at her in astonishment, obviously he really didn't understand Duan Qingwan's meaning.

"Based on the relationship between me and the lord, of course I will try my best to speak well of the lord and praise the lord." The corners of Duan Qingwan's lips kept rising, and she looked at Baili Rui with a chuckle.

Bai Lirui met the smile on her face, and suddenly felt layers of chill seep into his back. There is absolutely no good thing for this woman to smile like this. She would be so kind by saying good things for him and praising him.

"However..." The smile on Duan Qingwan's face was still blooming, but the words suddenly changed, and the eyes looking at Baili Rui were a little more meaningful.

"But what?" Baili Rui only felt the chill seep into his back, and he couldn't help trembling slightly.

"My lord is a smart man, how about we discuss it?" Duan Qingwan's smile became brighter and brighter, and there was an obvious smile in her voice.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you still want to threaten me? I don't think you have the courage." Baili Rui naturally understood what she meant, his face darkened suddenly, and his voice became a little colder. It's really not small, just want to threaten him, I'm afraid she doesn't have that ability.

(End of this chapter)

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