Chapter 1085
"Village chief, is what the princess said true? Are there really no Yin soldiers in the mountains?"

"In the past when there was thunder and rain, we clearly saw Yin soldiers making excuses, and what other villagers who broke into the mountains, it wasn't that Yin soldiers ate their hearts and drank their blood. Who would be so cruel?"

"It must be because the princess is blessed by the gods, and the Yin soldiers dare not cause trouble, so you didn't run into each other."

"The princess is blessed by the gods, so how could she be assassinated again? Who is so courageous? This is a death penalty for killing the nine clans. Maybe it's the Yin soldiers taking revenge on the princess."

The villagers talked to each other, causing the head of the village to have a headache. The head of the village sent Er Gouzi to invite the imperial physician, and called two strong men to send Tang Qi home.

After finishing the order, the village chief explained patiently: "I don't know who is going to assassinate the princess. At that time, the arrow was poisoned and shot straight at the princess. If it wasn't for Miss Lingyue who threw herself on the princess Before, the princess was afraid that something bad was going to happen, but later, Mr. Mu injured that person, and that person escaped."

Thinking about it now, the village chief is still terrified.


"I also heard a muffled pain. It's a person, not a yin soldier. The yin soldier wants to harm the princess, so he can just use demon magic. Why do he use poisonous arrows to hurt people? It's a person, it must be a person."

The villagers were overwhelmed with shock, and someone panicked: "We are the only ones who know that the princess is going into the mountain today. Will the princess think that we are going to kill her? If your majesty commits a crime, we will die."

The faces of the villagers changed with horror, and they were terrified. The wife of the village head had already cursed Rong Jiu as a bad star in her heart.

Granny Xu said: "The princess will definitely find out about this matter. Don't listen to the wind and the rain. The princess has people in her heart. Even if it is finally found out that it is someone from our village, the princess will not implicate innocent people."

When the villagers heard the words, they raised their hearts and settled down again.

Someone asked: "Is it really like what the princess said, there are people pretending to be gods and ghosts, and there is no excuse for us to enter the mountain in the future?"

The village head thought for a while and said, "Now the mountain is blocked by heavy snow. If there were no guards to open the way, we would have been unable to move an inch. If everyone wants to enter the mountain, we will enter the mountain together when the snow melts in spring."

The village chief said that they went into the mountain together, and the villagers understood that although everyone came back safe and sound this time, there have been rumors of the Yin soldiers for a long time.

Some villagers were dubious, and asked again: "Tang Qi's injury, what happened? He is not a high-ranking official, how could anyone want to kill him?"

"While Tang Qi was hunting, he accidentally injured Xiong Xiazi and was bitten by Xiong Xiazi on the shoulder. Fortunately, the guards around the princess killed Xiong Xiazi and saved his life."

The village chief sighed and told the villagers to disperse. After returning home, he put the bamboo basket on his shoulder on the table and took out the medicinal materials inside.

"Mother, these are all the medicines I picked. Mother, look, this ginseng must have been around for a hundred years, and it's just good for you." The village chief said with a smile while holding the ginseng.

Take this ginseng to the pharmacy, you can buy several taels of silver, but you actually want to keep it for this old man to nourish his body.

The village head's wife was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

She married, worked as a cow and a horse, and had children. She didn't think about her good things, what good things she had, and only thought about her immortality.

The more the village head's daughter-in-law thought about it, the more she hated her, and she said with a sullen face: "I heard people say that nothing can't be compensated, the child's father, you have a filial piety, don't make up for your mother, and if Fei Yinzi doesn't say anything, your mother will suffer." .”

(End of this chapter)

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