Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1126 Frightened Peeling

Chapter 1126 Frightened Peeling
Erzhu came back all the way, but didn't meet the village chief's wife, thinking that she might have gone home.

Seeing him coming back alone, Dazhu frowned: "Where's mother? Still at Uncle Seven's house?"

Lonely men and widows live in the same room, and it is inevitable to cause people to gossip, especially now that the village chief's wife has been divorced.

Er Zhu was stunned, and said in surprise, "Mother hasn't come back yet? Uncle Qi said she left long ago."

Da Zhu shook his head.

Both felt uneasy, Granny Xu said, "It's getting dark, your mother won't be going back to Liu's Village, she should be at Chunhua's house, and she'll be back in a while."

Liu Chunhua, like the village chief's wife, was married from Liujia Village. The two usually get close and have a good relationship.

The village head's daughter-in-law was divorced by the village head, and Granny Xu thought she had gone to complain to Liu Chunhua, so she didn't take it to heart.

There was a big tree outside Tang Qi's house, and the dark guard was hidden on it. Half an hour later, Tang Qi came back with a person.

The man was carried back by Tang Qi, and he looked like he was dead.

In Panlong Village, besides the village chief, Tang Qi also built a house of green bricks and tiles. The dark guards quietly swept up the roof and lifted a tile quietly.

Tang Qi put the man on the bed, lit the lamp, and put on a ghost mask.

Seeing that the man was similar in shape to Tang Qi, the hidden guard vaguely guessed what he was going to do. Sure enough, Tang Qi took the village head's wife out of the closet and threw it aside mercilessly.

The village head's wife fell to the ground and woke up from the pain. She groaned, opened her eyes in a daze, and saw a man in white clothes taking off Tang Qi's clothes.

Tang Qi turned her back to the village chief's wife, covering her sight. She couldn't see the face of the person lying on the bed, so she thought that person was Tang Qi.

The village head's wife didn't know what he was going to do, but it was definitely not a good thing. She was afraid that she would suffer too, and she panicked for a while, trembling her throat, and asked tremblingly: "Who are you? What are you going to do. What are you doing?"

Tang Qi paused for a moment, then turned around slowly, revealing a ferocious ghostly face, and smiled eeriely at her, the village head's daughter-in-law stopped breathing instantly, and her eyes widened in horror.

Even if this ghost face turned into ashes, she would never forget it. It was her nightmare. She was punished to kneel in the snow and abandoned by the village chief. It was all because of what happened that night.

That night, when he assassinated the village chief, he spattered blood all over her face, and that chilling voice still echoed in her ears, saying that he would drink up her blood.

She obviously stunned Tang Qi, there was no third person in the room, but she was knocked out, it must be Yin soldiers, Yin soldiers wanted to claim Tang Qi's life with their own hands, so they knocked her out, she Why is life so hard, every time the Yin soldiers want to ask for someone's life, they are bumped into by her.

The village head's daughter-in-law was so terrified that she was about to cry, and she was still immersed in shock and panic. Tang Qi had already turned the man over, holding a dagger in his hand, and in front of the village head's wife, slashed the knife from the spine, stabbing his back The skin is divided into two halves, and then slowly use a knife to separate the skin and muscles, tearing apart like a butterfly spreading its wings.

The village head's daughter-in-law turned pale with fright, and wanted to run away in horror, but found that she had already been frightened to the point of weakness, and she had no strength at all. The strong smell of blood made her stomach churn, and she retched beside her.

After vomiting, he raised his head, and suddenly saw the man's bloody back, his face was bloodless, his throat was trembling, and he was about to scream.

(End of this chapter)

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