Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1209 Dove occupying the magpie's nest

Chapter 1209 Dove occupying the magpie's nest
Yuan Zhen raised her gaze to look at him from the edge of the bowl when she heard the words: "A concubine's room is in charge of the power of the central government. People outside have already spread that the Ruan family does not distinguish between the concubine and the concubine, and there is no etiquette. It's yours, so the rules of etiquette should be established, otherwise, the people in this mansion don't know who is the master."

Ruan Chengfeng only thought that she was pampered in the general's mansion and wanted to be the head of the Ruan family, so he couldn't help but reminded: "Zhu's family has been in charge of the back house for decades, and the servants in the mansion only listen to her orders, and there are many people who don't need her to do anything. People secretly trip you up."

"If Lord Ruan hadn't favored his concubine and killed his wife, your mother wouldn't have died young. Mrs. Zhu stole everything that belonged to your mother, and now she is planning for her son, wanting to occupy the entire Ruan family. You are the direct son of the Ruan family. , how can I let a concubine's room be on your head?"

Yuan Zhen had already bought off the servants around Ruan Chengfeng, knew everything about the Ruan family, and also knew that the reason why Ruan Chengfeng and Ruan Jing turned against each other was because Ruan Jing betrayed his mother.

Sure enough, as soon as Yuan Zhen mentioned those old things, Ruan Chengfeng's face suddenly became gloomy.

Yuan Zhen took a slow drink from the teacup, covered the sneer from the corner of her mouth, and continued: "Zhu's dove occupies the magpie's nest, people outside, although they are contemptuous, still regard her as the mistress of the Ruan family, She is used to the scenery, how could she be willing to hand over the power of the family to others? If Lord Ruan helps her upright, she will be the righteous Mrs. Ruan, and her son will be the legitimate son."

Yuan Zhen didn't say any more about the latter, but Ruan Chengfeng knew in his heart that once the Zhu family was righted, the Ruan family would belong to their mother and son sooner or later.

Ruan Chengfeng's eyes flashed a cold and cruel light: "Their mother and son want to occupy the Ruan family unless I die."

"Master Ruan favors concubines and concubines. In the eyes of those servants, how can you be a grand son? Although your mother died of illness, in the final analysis, it was Lord Ruan and Mrs. Zhu who killed her. If she is still alive, she must And plan for your own son."

Yuan Zhen fueled a fire in Ruan Chengfeng's heart again.

Ruan Chengfeng already hated Ruan Jing and Zhu's family. If it wasn't for them, his mother would not have died in depression. The revenge of killing his mother, and the fact that Zhu's mother and son robbed him of the Ruan family, she didn't believe that Ruan Chengfeng could bear it.

Mrs. Zhu asked the kitchen to cook ginseng soup, waiting for Ruan Jing to return home, but Ruan Jing went to Honglu Temple.

Mrs. Zhu waited anxiously, a little impatiently: "Why hasn't the master returned home yet?"

The servant girl said: "The servant girl has sent people to wait in the porter's room. As soon as the master comes back, he will immediately report to the master."

The wound on Zhu's face was red and swollen without medicine, "Go get the mirror."


The servant girl quietly looked at Zhu Shi's face, and after handing over the mirror, she took two steps back indiscriminately, so as not to be affected by her anger when Zhu Shi was furious.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zhu picked up the mirror and looked at it, her hands trembled with anger, and she dropped the mirror.

He didn't care about selling miserably in front of Ruan Jing, and yelled at the servant girl with his eyes tearing open: "Hurry up and ask for a doctor! If my wife's face is ruined, take care of your bastard."

Mrs. Zhu often beat and killed servants on weekdays. The servant girl has been serving her for a long time, so she naturally knows her temperament, so she hurried to invite the doctor.

With the burning pain on his face, and Ruan Jing not coming back for a long time, Zhu became more and more irritable: "Yuan Zhen, you bitch! You bitch! Dare to ruin my wife's face. When my wife is helped to become the wife, today's revenge, If my wife doesn't return it to you a thousand times and a hundred times, I swear I won't be human!"

Zhu's eyes spit fire, and her face was so ferocious that her face was distorted. She had already made up her mind that she must let Ruan Jing straighten her up.

(End of this chapter)

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