Chapter 1238
When Prime Minister Xiao heard the words, he said two words aloud: "Not necessarily."

Who would not want to grasp the supreme imperial power, Empress Dowager Xiao was stunned for a moment: "Why did you say that?"

"If we can make Rong Jiu and the Su family turn against each other, we don't have to do anything, and we can reap the benefits of fishing. But my aunt forgot that the Xiao family is their common enemy. Before they turn against each other, they will join hands to eradicate the Xiao family."

Empress Dowager Xiao remained silent, with haze flashing across her eyes.

Prime Minister Xiao said: "I came today because I want to discuss something with my aunt?"

Empress Dowager Xiao turned her head to look at him, suddenly her eyes flashed, and she frowned: "You mean?"

Empress Dowager Xiao didn't say what happened next, but Prime Minister Xiao knew that she had already guessed it, so he nodded.

Empress Dowager Xiao soon looked normal, and asked: "Have you thought it through?"

"All the power of the Xiao family was destroyed by Rong Jiu. Even if the King of Lingnan rebelled, with the tens of thousands of private soldiers in Panlong City, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg. Only by joining hands with Xi Ling, the Xiao family will have a chance of survival. If the situation continues, the Xiao family will be uprooted by Rong Jiu."

Shenjiying forged a cannon, and then went head-to-head with Rong Jiu, that would be his own death, but if he borrowed troops from Xi Ling, he might not be able to give it a go.

"Xiling has always been eyeing Nanchu. Conspiring with him is like seeking skin from a tiger."

"Auntie's concerns, I understand, but if Xiling's power is not used, the Xiao family can only be slaughtered by others. Auntie, what the Xiao family wants is not a peaceful corner, divided and ruled by others, but the whole Southern Chu, and even The whole world."

The Empress Dowager Xiao also knew that the Xiao family had no way out, so she said, "Since you have made up your mind, let's do it, Auntie."

"Assassins, there are assassins, protect the Queen Mother!"

The words that came out of Empress Dowager Xiao's mouth were interrupted by Madam Zhang's exclamation, and soon, the sound of fighting came from outside.

Empress Dowager Xiao's face suddenly turned cold, and she said to Prime Minister Xiao: "Go quickly."

Prime Minister Xiao was banned from the Prime Minister's Mansion. If someone caught him in Shoukang Palace, no matter whether it was the charge of resisting the decree or the charge of breaking into the palace, he would not be able to escape death.

Empress Dowager Xiao turned the mechanism hidden in the dark, and the secret door on the wall slowly opened again, but Prime Minister Xiao stopped at the door, turned around and said: "These people are coming menacingly, aunt might as well go to the secret room to avoid it."

Empress Dowager Xiao had already guessed that Rong Jiu sent secret guards to assassinate because of her kidnapping of the King of Lingnan: "This is Shoukang Palace, what can happen to the Ai family, the Ai family doesn't believe it, she can still kill the Ai family. "

An assassin broke into Shoukang Palace and assassinated Empress Dowager Xiao. There was such a big commotion, but the guards guarding outside Shoukang Palace did not rush in to rescue her. Prime Minister Xiao also guessed that Rong Jiu did it.

"Rong Jiu has no rules. It's too easy to die alone in the palace."

"If she really dared to kill the Ai family, she would be digging her own grave, and the Xiao family could take this opportunity to get rid of her justifiably. As long as it is for the Xiao family, why should they be afraid of death?"


"Go quickly!"

"Auntie, be careful."

After Prime Minister Xiao finished speaking, he walked into the secret passage and left in a hurry.

With a "bang", the palace door was suddenly kicked open. When Chu Wei rushed in, the secret door just closed. Empress Dowager Xiao's eyes flashed, not sure if Chu Wei saw it.

Empress Dowager Xiao stood awe-inspiring, exuding fierce power, and angrily reprimanded: "Bold rebel, dare to trespass into Shoukang Palace, go back and tell Rong Jiu, if you have the ability, kill Aijia!"

(End of this chapter)

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