Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1250 Digging 3 Feet

Chapter 1250
Rong Jiu asked Ling Yue to bring in a basin of hot water, soaked the handkerchief, twisted it, and washed his face: "Stop crying, mother will not let anyone take you away. If you don't go, just stay by Mother's side, okay?"

The little guy nodded and lay sleepy in her arms: "Mother, Mu'er is tired from crying, Mu'er is so sleepy, mother is putting Mu'er to sleep."

"it is good."

The little guy was lying on the bed, Rong Jiu gently coaxed him to sleep, the little guy closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

It's just that she didn't sleep very peacefully, her little brows were tightly frowned, Rong Jiu raised her hand to smooth it gently: "Don't be afraid, Mu'er, mother is with you."

The little guy felt his mother's comfort in his sleep, and his eyebrows slowly relaxed. Rong Jiu sat on the side of the bed for a long time. When he got up, he realized that the little guy was tugging on her sleeve. When she moved, the little guy immediately Woke up: "Mother, don't go, mother,"

Her eyes were sleepy, but she couldn't hide her panic and fear. Rong Jiu's heart was about to break when she saw it. She lifted the quilt and lay down, hugged him into her arms, and patted him gently.

"Mother, don't go, go to sleep."

Surrounded by his mother's familiar scent, the little guy fell asleep peacefully, and not long after, Rong Jiu also fell asleep.

The warm winter sun brushes against the eaves of the corridor and falls into the hall. The light flows bit by bit, and against the gentle and shallow breathing, it is more peaceful and peaceful.

In Shoukang Palace, there was a solemn atmosphere.

Empress Dowager Xiao was injured, although she was not in danger of her life, she suffered a lot. Prime Minister Xiao came out from the secret passage, and at a glance he saw Empress Dowager Xiao lying on the bed with a pale face and eyes closed.

Prime Minister Xiao approached and called softly, "Auntie,"

Empress Dowager Xiao opened her eyes and pointed to the round stool beside her: "Sit down."

Prime Minister Xiao sat down with his robe lifted, and asked, "How is Auntie, is she better?"

Empress Dowager Xiao's gloomy face was full of resentment: "That poisonous woman ordered someone to assassinate Ai's family, but she even killed Zhang Nanny. Zhang Nanny served Ai's family all her life. In this palace, she is Ai's family." The closest person."

That day, Chu Wei broke into Shoukang Palace, obviously to assassinate Empress Dowager Xiao, but in fact he wanted to eradicate the hidden guards in Shoukang Palace, so why did he kill an old lady.

Prime Minister Xiao frowned, Empress Dowager Xiao seemed to know what he was thinking, her face suddenly darkened: "Nurse Zhang committed suicide."

Prime Minister Xiao was startled: "Suicide? Why?"

"That day when you left from the secret passage, just as the secret door closed, Chu Wei broke in. He must have found out about the secret passage and forced him to question Zhang Nanny, so she committed suicide."

Empress Dowager Xiao's face became cold again, her complexion was cold, and she hated Rong Jiu deeply.

Rong Jiu pushed the Xiao family to a desperate situation bit by bit, so that the Xiao family's family declined and the population withered. This is more hateful than killing her!

Prime Minister Xiao said: "Since Rong Jiu knows about the secret channel, he will find out sooner or later."

Empress Dowager Xiao sneered disdainfully: "Even Your Majesty doesn't know about this secret passage. She wants to find out, unless she digs the whole palace."

"That being said, it's still best to be careful. My aunt still ordered that all the secret passages be sealed off, so as not to cause trouble."

Empress Dowager Xiao nodded, her anger and resentment couldn't be calmed down: "The Ai family lost so many hidden guards, yet they still let King Lingnan die at the hands of Rong Jiu. Is there any news from Lingnan?"

"The eunuch who passed the decree has already arrived in Lingnan, and I believe that within two days, Lingnan will be reversed."

"Can Xiling agree to borrow troops?"

(End of this chapter)

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