Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1507 Get out of Southern Chu

Chapter 1507 Get out of Southern Chu
Rong Jiu smiled warmly, and her eyes became more gentle and loving: "Mother knows, mother's Mu'er is an eagle soaring in the sky, mother trusts you."

The little guy proudly raised his eyebrows at Shen Cheng: "No matter how powerful Daddy is, if he meets a shrew, he still has to protect Mother."


Princess Roujia felt that there were tens of thousands of arrows in her heart, full of hatred and anger.

Shen Cheng said indifferently: "Since it is a matter between the two countries, we should invite Bei Yan and Xi Ling to be witnesses."

If Beiyan and Xiling get involved in this matter, even if she wins, her face will be dull, and Princess Roujia's face will be even more ugly: "I am a princess of a country, can I still keep my word?"

Shen Cheng said calmly, "If you don't know how to do it, why are you afraid of other people's witnesses?"

Princess Roujia hated it so much, it took a long while before she bit out a word between her teeth: "Okay!"

Chu Xun sent someone to invite envoys from Beiyan and Xiling.

When Lin Lang was dragged out and beheaded, everyone had already been alarmed. Later, Chu Wei captured the guards of the Lin family and uncovered the hidden guards of the Xiao family who were hiding there. Ling Yunsu guessed that it was related to Zhou Chengye's shooting with the arrow.

But it was a bit surprising to hear that Shen Mu played on behalf of Rong Jiu.

After Lin Lang was put to death, Chu Wei had already reported the whole story to Emperor Chu, and Emperor Chu had no objection. The whole family of the Lin family should be killed, exiled to the three clans, and never hired. This is already an extrajudicial favor.

Now that the culprit has been found out and given to Dong Zhou, Emperor Chu thought that Dong Zhou should calm things down, but he didn't expect Princess Roujia to be so domineering and arrogant that she dared to provoke her, so she rushed over in a hurry.

On the high platform, Emperor Chu was sitting in a high position, Chu Xun and Rong Jiu and Chen Cheng were sitting on the lower left of him, followed by the courtiers, and on the right were Tuoba Lie, Ling Yunsu, Ling Yunzhan, and Liu Jin .

Princess Roujia and Shen Mu stood in the middle of the high platform, Emperor Chu said: "The matter of the second prince being hit by an arrow has been investigated, and the Lin family has been punished, but Dong Zhou has issued a letter of war. I invite you to come today to be a witness. If my grandson can defeat Princess Roujia, the past will be erased."

Although Princess Roujia is domineering, but that whip is hard to come by. Liu Jin doesn't think that Shen Mu, a baby, can defeat Princess Roujia, so he immediately asked: "What if the young master loses?"

Emperor Chu's expression was cold and sharp, and he said dignifiedly: "If Dong Zhou is dissatisfied, fight if you want!"

Liu Jin's face was stiff and stiff, and he shut up.

Emperor Chu said: "Let's begin."

"Princess Roujia," Rong Jiu's eyes showed a deep sternness, still calm and calm, but with a deep warning, "Since it's a discussion, please stop."

Princess Roujia tightened her hand holding the whip, met the sharp eyes of Rong Jiu, and did not give in: "Fist and foot have no eyes, each depends on its ability."

"It is said that when the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses. I don't know how many people in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty can be slaughtered with the power of this princess alone?"

Rong Jiu's voice was so calm that no one could hear the slightest emotion, but it made Princess Roujia stiff and cold.

The killing intent in Rong Jiu's eyes, even if it was tempered from the battlefield, is not as creepy as hers, as if she could turn blood into rivers and bones into mountains with just a simple flip of her hands.

Ling Yunsu was shocked by her aura.

Liu Jin was also frightened. When the wind blew, he felt chills all over his body, and he recovered from the shock: "The nine princesses uttered such wild words, it seems that they don't pay much attention to Dong Zhou. He does not fight against others, but he is never afraid of war."

"Since Dong Zhou has the confidence, let's give up today's discussion. Except for Zhou Chengye, anyone in Dong Zhou can get out of Southern Chu."

(End of this chapter)

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