Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 165 Attracting People

Chapter 165 Attracting People
Wang Baozhu thought that Lin Laizi agreed, she smiled smugly, and twisted her waist to leave, but Lin Laizi pressed her hard against the wall.

Wang Baozhu was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and said in a panic: "If you dare to touch a hair of my hair, I will call someone and defile the big girl of Huang Hua. If she is not beaten to death, she will also have to be immersed in a pig cage. Have you thought about it?"

"Great girl with yellow flowers? What the hell are you?" Lin Lingzi tore off her clothes all at once, "You called someone, why didn't you call? Called everyone here, just to let everyone see how you are loafing .”

Wang Baozhu trembled all over, struggling desperately: "Let me go, let me go!"

"Send yourself to the door to be suppressed by me, pretending to be a chaste and strong woman," Lin Lingzi tore off the waistband of his trousers, rushed in with force, and kept arching, "Standing is enough, you bitch, You call, call loudly, I like it, ah ha ha."

Hearing his unscrupulous lewd smile, Wang Mazi cursed angrily, "Keep your voice down for me, I'm still in a good mood, don't attract people."

Wang Baozhu's teeth were bared, her eyes were cracked, and she was extremely resentful. All of this was to be blamed on that bitch Rong Jiu. One day, she would strip Rong Jiu and these two beasts to get rid of their hatred.

Lin Laizi arched more and more vigorously, and soon, Wang Baozhu yelled "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh', raising her legs and hooking his waist.

Wang Mazi watched from the sidelines, her mouth parched, and as soon as Lin Laizi finished her work, she rushed in and arched vigorously. The clothes on Wang Baozhu's back were all worn out, and she couldn't feel any pain. stand up.

Seeing her slutty appearance, Lin Laizi was even more slutty than the sisters in the kiln. He kept urging Wang Mazi, and the two of them had a hard time.

Wang Baozhu sat limply on the ground, his legs were trembling non-stop, the tide of emotion faded, his eyes were full of fierce anger, his hands sank into the mud, and he tightened fiercely.

She couldn't swallow this bad breath, this humiliation, she couldn't just let it go!
Lin Laizi and Wang Mazi, these two cowards, they dare not, but Wu Daniu will definitely dare.

That bitch ruined Wu Daniu's lifeblood, if it fell into Wu Daniu's hands, then life would be truly worse than death.

Wang Baozhu smiled sinisterly, with a look of madness on his face.

She went home quietly, washed herself again and again, then changed her clothes, and sneaked out to find Wu Daniu.

She didn't want to wait a moment.

When Wang Baozhu was stripped of his clothes and hung under the big banyan tree, Wu Daniu was also there. He has been inhumane for a long time, and at first glance at the watery body, there is an impulse in his body.

That day, he stretched out his hand into her body, and the impulse became hotter.

Wu Daniu was secretly excited, if he could put Wang Baozhu under his body and enjoy it, maybe he could be a man again.

Thinking of this, Wu Daniu's eyes burned when he looked at her, and he couldn't hide the wretchedness in his eyes.

Wang Baozhu was too familiar with that gaze, and felt disgusted in his heart, but he said it bluntly: "Have you not touched a woman for a long time?"

Wu Daniu approached her, touched her thigh with one hand, showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and smiled wretchedly: "That day, when I touched you, you still held your leg tightly. Are you here to continue today?"

Wang Baozhu's face sank, but she didn't push Wu Daniu away, but let him touch him more and more, and said with a sneer, "Continue what? Can you do it? Are you still a man?"

Wu Daniu's pupils shrank, and was stabbed by Wang Baozhu's painful foot. With a ferocious expression, he rushed over and pressed her under him: "Is it a man? You will know when I make you feel comfortable."

Wang Baozhu clenched her hands tightly, suppressing the nausea surging in her heart: "As long as you take care of that bitch Rong Jiu, I'll give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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