Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1714 is more difficult

Chapter 1714 is more difficult
Rong Jiu said again: "The wounds formed before death will be brighter than the wounds formed after death, and after death, the blood will no longer flow, and the wound will not bleed too much blood, but the blood on the body of the deceased When Scabbers was clearly alive, the murderer cut open his chest with a sharp knife, then tore open the chest cavity with his bare hands, and dug out his heart."

Tear it apart with your bare hands!

This murderer is simply too violent!
Suddenly there was a gasp, and even Mu Qinghan was startled: "Princess, what does the princess mean, that the deceased saw himself being cut open and his heart dug out with his own eyes, and died of fright?"

Rong Jiu's eyes moved slightly, and he said thoughtfully: "It is true that the deceased died of fright, but it is unknown why he was frightened. If, as you said, the deceased saw his chest cut open and his heart dug out with his own eyes, I would have struggled and yelled, and that would have alarmed the others, but that's not the case."

Mu Qinghan fell silent.

Rong Jiudao: "If you want to find out more things, you need to do further inspections. Let's take the body back to Dali Temple first."

Dali Siqing immediately ordered to go down.

Several people returned to the lobby, and the police were asking the people in Fenglin Pavilion about the situation.

Rong Jiu asked the steward, "Who saw the deceased yesterday?"

The steward pointed to a servant and said, "Han Yue has been ill for the past few days and has been recuperating in the room. Except Ah Qing, who is serving him, no one has ever entered or left his yard."

Rong Jiu looked at Ah Qing, and asked: "After midnight last night, has anyone come to look for Han Yue?"

Ah Qing shook her head: "No."

"Then has he ever gone out?"


Mu Qinghan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he fell heavily on him: "I didn't go out, and no one came in, so why did he die in the flowers outside?"

If there is no second person, the murderer can only be Ah Qing. Ah Qing's face turned pale with fright, and she immediately knelt down: "Princess Mingjian, the young master was not killed by the little one, the little one was wronged, wronged."

"Are you sure no one came in and he didn't go out?"

Rong Jiu asked again, but her voice became a little lower, and Ah Qing's eyes flickered.

Rong Jiuhan said in a low voice: "Think clearly before answering. If there is a half-true lie, it will not be the question you are asking now when you enter Dali Temple."

Ah Qing shivered suddenly, and hurriedly said: "Young one said, the young one must be telling the truth. The young one didn't know if anyone came to look for the young master last night. In the middle of the night, the young one was really sleepy, so he beat him up. a nap."

Rong Jiu asked, "When did you wake up?"

Ah Qing was a little afraid to speak, and after making promises for a long while, he murmured, "One or one hour ago."

When the manager heard it, he was really angry, and cursed: "Okay, I let you serve Hanyue, but you dare to be lazy, why don't you sleep to death!"

Rong Jiu and Mu Qinghan glanced at each other, feeling something was wrong.

Even if he was lazy and took a nap, he shouldn't sleep for such a long time. An hour ago, it was the gardener who found Hanyue's body among the flowers.

Apparently, Ah Qing was fainted on purpose, but after a long time, there was no way to test it.

The murderer singled out the oiran of the Fenglin Pavilion, obviously out of personal grievances, Rong Jiu continued to ask the steward: "In a short period of time, three people died in the Fenglin Pavilion, and the methods were extremely brutal. I don't know who they have offended?"

The steward shook his head: "Fenglin Pavilion is a place to make guests happy, how could they offend people?"

Rong Jiu glanced at him, then looked away.

The murderer came towards Fenglin Pavilion, without knowing the purpose, the Mu family will definitely investigate secretly.

This case may be more difficult than imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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