Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1744 Knowing the Reason

Chapter 1744 Knowing the Reason
Gu Mingzhu didn't know that Mu Qinghan came back today, and that Mu Qinghan wasn't there for the past few days, the house was deserted, and eating alone was like chewing wax, it didn't feel good, so she had dinner at Gu's house before returning home.

As soon as he entered the atrium, he saw Mu Qinghan sitting on the wall drinking wine. Under the starry night and in the wind, he felt lonely and lonely.

Gu Mingzhu saw that he was in a bad mood, and said softly, "When did you come back, have you had dinner yet?"

Mu Qinghan looked down at her: "Daughter-in-law, have a drink with me."

Gu Mingzhu climbed up the bamboo ladder, sat down beside him, took the wine jar he handed over, raised her head and took a sip: "Is the case solved?"


"Then why are you unhappy?"

Mu Qinghan looked at King Mu's house next door, and took another sip of wine: "I thought I would be very happy. These days, I've been dreaming about how to solve the case, but if the case is solved, it might as well not be solved."

Gu Mingzhu's eyes moved, she looked at him and asked, "Who is the murderer?"

"Zhao Xing."

"Why did he kill?"

"In order to lure the ninth princess into the game, in order to kill her, he can even attack his close relatives and friends."

Gu Mingzhu was slightly taken aback.

Surprised that the murderer turned out to be Zhao Xing.

Although the Shenhu Camp and the Imperial Guard Camp have no relationship, Zhao Xing is an upright person with excellent martial arts skills, which is much better than those dudes in the Imperial Guard Camp.

However, what surprised her the most was that Zhao Xing had no enmity with Rong Jiu. In order to plan to kill her, he would not hesitate to kill others, even his own close relatives and friends.

Gu Mingzhu felt that things were not that simple, and it was impossible for Mu Qinghan to be in a bad mood because of this.

Gu Mingzhu asked: "Why did he do that, do you know the reason?"

Mu Qinghan remained silent and just drank the wine quietly. Such a Mu Qinghan made Gu Mingzhu very distressed.


"I don't know, but," Mu Qinghan took another sip of wine while holding the wine jar, "However, we will know soon."

Mu Qinghan didn't want to say it, and Gu Mingzhu didn't force him. After drinking with him for a while, he said, "Why are you sitting on the wall? Is it related to King Mu?"

Mu Qinghan smiled miserably: "Daughter-in-law, the Mu family is going to end."

Gu Mingzhu's heart skipped a beat: "Why do you say that?"

"The Mu family is extremely beautiful, it is a family of hairpin tassels, a century-old family, but one step away, it will be a cliff of ten thousand zhang, my father is determined to win power, and the Mu family, how many dirty things, how much favoritism. When the building is about to collapse, the knife hanging over the head of the Mu family will soon come down, daughter-in-law, do you regret marrying me in the future?"

Mu Qinghan's eyes were unusually clear, looking deeply into Gu Mingzhu's eyes, as if he wanted to look into her heart.

Gu Mingzhu looked back at him quietly, slightly raised the corners of her lips, and said softly: "Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, whether you are a son of a family or a traitor, you are my husband-in-law , You said, I am Mu Gu, I will live with you and die with the same acupuncture point, Qinghan, my heart will always be with you."

Mu Qinghan stretched out his arms to hug her, and held her tightly in his arms: "Daughter-in-law, I will definitely protect you, even if the building is about to collapse, I will protect you, I will not let the Mu family hurt anyone you."

"If there is wind and rain, we will advance and retreat together, and if we can depend on you for life and death, we will be Huangquan and have nothing to fear."

However, Mu Qinghan was reluctant to let Gu Mingzhu accompany him to the underworld: "If the Mu family has become a malignant tumor, I will get rid of it myself without the help of the ninth princess."

(End of this chapter)

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