Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1917 Looks Familiar

Chapter 1917 Looks Familiar
"Don't buy it," Rong Jiu put the wooden beauty back, then turned and walked away, smiling coquettishly, "Although the beauty is beautiful, she is not me. If my husband really wants to buy one for me, why don't you carve one yourself?" .”

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Cheng's mouth: "Okay."

The two walked forward along the flow of people, not far away there was a lush tree with many vermilion lanterns hanging on the branches, looking at it from a distance, it seemed like a blurred halo faintly flowing.

There is a stall selling tofu flowers under the big tree, and the aroma can be smelled from a long distance.

"It smells good."

The two of them went out for a stroll to digest food, but they couldn't walk anymore after seeing the delicious food

Shen Cheng smiled shallowly, took her hand and came to the stall: "Boss, two bowls of bean curd."

"Okay." Not long after, the boss brought over two bowls of tofu flower, and said with a smile, "You two guests take it easy."

Rong Jiu took a small spoonful and put it into his mouth. The tofu flower was smooth and fragrant, sweet but not greasy: "It's delicious."

Shen Cheng said with a smile: "The tofu flower in this shop is soybeans soaked in spring water on Yuncui Mountain, which cannot be eaten in other places."

Rong Jiu raised her eyes and asked curiously, "How did Mr. Xiang know? You used to come here often?"

Shen Cheng used to study in Changle Academy, so Changle County is naturally very familiar. His brows and eyes are warm, and his black eyes are shining brightly: "If Ah Jiu likes it, we will come here often in the future."

Rong Jiu smiled like a flower, said "Mmm", and then lowered her head to eat the tofu flower in the bowl.

The night wind blew, and the vermilion lanterns on the tree swayed with the wind, and the shadows of the lights were like waves, reflecting soft light. Shen Cheng stared at her with a smile in his eyes: "The salty tofu flower is also delicious, do you want to try it too?" Have a taste?"

Rong Jiu nodded while eating, and Shen Cheng raised his voice to the busy boss, "Boss, here is a bowl of salted tofu."

The boss responded with a smile.

For the salty tofu flower, the boss sprinkled green onions, Shen Cheng picked up all the green onions on top, and put it in front of Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu took a sip and put it into his mouth, his eyebrows slightly curved: "The salty ones are delicious too, boss, fifteen bowls each of sweet and salty ones, packed."

"Okay." The boss smiled from ear to ear.

Rong Jiu took a spoonful of salted tofu flower and fed it into Shen Cheng's mouth. The boss had never seen such a loving couple, so he couldn't help giving them an extra bowl of sweet tofu flower.

When paying, Rong Jiu thanked the boss.

The boss packed 31 bowls of tofu flower in three big baskets, Shen Cheng carried one in each hand, and Rong Jiu carried one.

Rong Jiu said: "Boss, tomorrow, I'll have someone deliver the basket."

The boss laughed and said, "These baskets are all made by myself, and they are not worth much. Madam doesn't need to send them here."

After coming out of the stall, the two walked slowly towards the South Street. Suddenly, there was a commotion in front of them, and they saw a bully molesting a girl from a good family.

Rong Jiu felt that the bully seemed familiar, and asked Shen Cheng: "Sir, do you think that person looks familiar, do you know him?"

Shen Cheng frowned: "It's Shen Liangcai."

Rong Jiu thought for a long time before he remembered who it was.

Shen Liangcai is the son of Shen Damao and Qian Shi. He used to run errands in restaurants and was rarely at home. Rong Jiu had never met him before, but he looked very similar to Qian Shi, no wonder he felt familiar.

Looking at his nouveau riche outfit, when did Shen Damao's family get rich?
If you have a few stinky money, you just act like a domineering, openly molesting a girl from a good family, you don't want to live!
(End of this chapter)

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