Chapter 2175
Nanny Li was so angry that her chest heaved and she really wanted to scold those unscrupulous people bloody.

But as the nanny in charge of Prince Yong's Mansion, she has her own accomplishments, and she can't stand on the street with her hips crossed and curse at the shrew.

Nanny Li was really pissed off, and said angrily, "I don't know who made the rumor that the Holy Maidens live in seclusion in Misty Mountain. The princess came to Yongzhou City this time to ask the Holy Maidens for help. To rule the world, the common people think that the princess is going to start a war, and they will curse and everything."

And scolded very badly!

Nanny Li didn't dare to tell Rong Jiu.

Nanny Li felt sorry for Rong Jiu and felt wronged for Rong Jiu.

It's only been a few days since I was born in peace, and someone messed up again, hey, live well, okay?

The smile on Rong Jiu's face remained unchanged, and he smiled again: "The common people are ignorant, and they tend to say what others say. As for the facts, it's not that whoever instigates or slanders can turn black and white. Suffered."

Nanny Li sighed indignantly: "This little matter of this old slave is nothing, but those people hurt the reputation of the princess, and this old slave is not worth it for the princess."

Rong Jiu has done so many things for the country and the people, but in the end, she was abused by the people. Madam Li is both distressed and angry.

Rong Jiu didn't care about it: "I do so many things, and I don't do them for the praise of the people, and I don't live for them. I just want to look up to the world and be at ease."

Nanny Li was overwhelmed by her open-mindedness.

The early summer in Yongzhou City was hotter than that in Chang'an. Nanny Li was smashed with rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves. Not to mention her body smelled stinky, she was still sticky, so she hurried to wash up.

Overnight, rumors suddenly spread, and it was obvious that someone was doing something.

As for who it is, it's not hard to guess, either Ye Jinge or Lingdi.

Knowing that there are not many people from the Holy Maiden Clan in Misty Mountain, that Ah Ying is dead, and that the envoys are all members of Ling Yunzhan, Ye Jinge has no ability to stir up trouble, not to mention, she doesn't have the guts to send the Holy Maiden Clan to Misty Mountain. things poked out.

The only one who incited the common people to make trouble was Emperor Ling.

In Yongzhou City, there are fine works of Xiling.

The game between the two sides depends on who has the higher means.

Ling Yue came back from the outside with a frosty face, obviously annoyed by the rumors outside.

Looking at her cold face, Rong Jiu smiled and said, "Rumors and gossip are nothing but a fool's opinion, Xiao Yue'er will just listen to it as a joke, forget it, don't get mad at yourself."

Rumors have spread throughout Yongzhou City, and all kinds of ugly words are simply unbearable. Ling Yue feels chilling for Rong Jiu, but Rong Jiu comforts her in turn.

Feeling distressed and guilty, Lingyue said: "People's hearts are made of flesh. They slander the princess like that, they are really wolf-hearted."

Rong Jiu smiled nonchalantly, changed the topic, and said, "You came just in time, and I just need you to do something."

"Princess but please order."

"Look up and find out who is spreading the rumors, and arrest anyone who doesn't fall."

Ling Yue frowned, and thought: "Those people are just pawns, even if they are caught, the people may not believe it, but they will say that the princess uses power to oppress others and make false accusations."

Rong Jiu said calmly: "Every chess piece has its use no matter where it is placed. Those people who can be used by Emperor Ling can also be used by us."

Looking at the layout of the people behind the scenes, Ling Yue also guessed that it was Xi Ling who did it, but she couldn't guess whether it was Emperor Ling or Ye Jinge.

Hearing what Rong Jiu said now, he was also angry in his heart. As the king of a country, Emperor Ling's methods were really nasty.

(End of this chapter)

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