Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 2189 Cover up the truth

Chapter 2189 Cover up the truth
The one who had been beaten by Xi Zuo was breathless, and Wang Wu felt pain at a glance, and then said: "He said that the princess came to Yongzhou City to find the saints, and that the princess wanted to start a war and be a disaster for the country. So many people died in Yongzhou City, all of them were the fault of the princess. Let the people hate the princess to the bone, and then use the hands of the people to eradicate the princess. He gave me 1 taels, and promised to give it to me after it is done. 1 taels, it is well known in the world that His Majesty loves the princess, no matter how the people make trouble, His Majesty will never deal with the princess. I have lived most of my life, and I have never seen so much silver. That 1 taels, I agreed to him."

The other party had Xi Ling's accent, and even incited the common people to make troubles, and wanted to use the hands of the common people to eradicate Rong Jiu. Without even thinking about it, one could guess that the other party was the mastermind of Xi Ling.

For the sake of 1 taels, he helped Xi Zuo deal with Rong Jiu. Who is the disaster star that will bring disaster to the country and the people?
Wang Wu is not a money addict, he is tired of work!
He Zheng looked at Wang Wu with the eyes of a fool, waved his hand, and ordered the servants: "Collaborate carefully, frame the royal family, punish the nine families, put these rascals in prison for now, and choose to kill them someday!"

Killing Wang Wu and others can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

"Princess, please forgive me, princess, please forgive me, princess"

Wang Wu and a group of rascals were terrified and begged for mercy, but they were escorted away by the yamen servants without any explanation, and those cries gradually became inaudible.

Although the cry was far away, it also shocked the people.

Although they were instigated and fooled by others, they had indeed committed the crime of treason. When Rong Jiu dealt with those rascals, he showed no mercy at all. He didn't know how to deal with them.

The common people were panicked, and the secret agent sneered: "Does the princess think that she can cover up the truth by colluding with those rascals to frame me?"

That Xiaozuo was seriously injured and was dying, so he spoke intermittently and his voice was as low as a mosquito.

However, not only Rong Jiu heard clearly, but also the common people.

He Zheng said indignantly: "You guys have done so carefully, with insidious and dirty means, the matter is already clear, and you still want to sow discord, saying, who in the end ordered you to murder the princess!"

He Zheng didn't dare to directly say that it was Emperor Ling who did it.

Without evidence, any accusation is framing, and framing the king of a country is not something that a small assassin can hold up.

The detailed work showed a mocking look, and stopped talking, He Zhengzhi stared with anger.

Rong Jiu's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at Xiao Zuo lightly: "If you don't recruit, someone will."

Sesaku's eyes flashed, and an ominous premonition surged.

As a master, his hearing is much sharper than that of ordinary people. From a distance, he heard a burst of noisy footsteps.

Soon, the people voluntarily moved out of the way, Prince Yong walked in the front, and behind him, four or five people were escorted by soldiers.

When those people saw Xi Zuo lying on the ground dying, their expressions suddenly changed.

It's over, it's over, it's all over.

Rong Jiu smiled and said to Prince Yong, "Thank you, Prince."

Prince Yong was guarding Yongzhou City, but let Xiling's secret agents sneak in and make waves, turning Yongzhou City upside down, and almost endangering Rong Jiu. Prince Yong felt ashamed, but this was not the time to talk about it, so he said: "Princess, you are welcome!" , all the spies hidden in the city have been arrested, what should the princess do with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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