Chapter 714
A minister couldn't help but choked and said: "Master Shen is so convincing, could it be that Xue Ying's body was found?"

Shen Cheng nodded, and when all the officials were stunned, he said in a flat voice: "On the day the Xue family opened the coffin for autopsy, there was an extra skeleton in Xue's mother's coffin, and the Xue family members had already recognized it. It's Xue Ying."

The minister sneered and questioned, "It's ridiculous. How can a bone of unknown origin prove that she is Xue Ying?"

"After the autopsy, the corpse was similar to Xue Ying regardless of age or height, and the Xue family's children also recognized her from a crack in the hand bone." As he spoke, Shen Cheng looked at Rong Jiu with a cold expression. Between the eyebrows, there seemed to be a layer of warm color, "The most important thing is that the nine princesses restored Xue Ying's appearance based on the skull of the deceased."

The minister looked at Shen Cheng, and sneered coldly: "It's not a lie, I think Mr. Shen's words are all nonsense. After a person dies, he turns into a pile of bones and can restore his original appearance. Wouldn't it be a shame to the world? joke?"

Rong Jiu frowned, spoke suddenly, and said sneeringly: "Master, you are ignorant, and you still have the face to laugh at my husband? An important minister of the court and a frog at the bottom of the well are doing so happily. It is really the sorrow of the people. "

The minister's face flushed red.

"Today, I will let you see the world and open your eyes, so as not to lose my father's face in the future."

Rong Jiu opened the box, took out Xue Ying's skull, and put it on the table.

In the silence, there was a sudden sound of gasping.

Frightened, shocked, surprised, Baiguan's expression was wonderful.

Unexpectedly, in this world, there is actually someone who, with a single skull, can restore the appearance of the deceased.

There was a lot of discussion in the court, and someone asked, "Is this Xue Ying?"

Rong Jiu asked a young eunuch to unfold Xue Ying's portrait, and all the officials compared it carefully, and found that the face on the skull was [-]% or [-]% similar to the portrait, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

Prime Minister Xiao sneered, with a cold expression on his face: "Even if she is Xue Ying, even if there are other secrets in the case back then, Dali Temple took over the investigation, so what has it to do with the Xiao family? Ten years ago, Shen Yushi framed the Xiao family once. Finally, Master Shen still wants to frame the Xiao family again?"

A minister gave a low cry and said in amazement: "The night before yesterday, Mr. Huang died suddenly for no reason. Could it be that he committed suicide out of fear of crime?"

Another minister said in surprise: "Master Huang is dead, so there is no proof of death?"

Shen Cheng explained: "Master Huang didn't die suddenly, but the murderer shot a long and thin iron needle into his divine inspiration."

The officials were shocked, and the hall fell into a dead silence again.

Shen Cheng said to Emperor Chu: "Back then, people related to the case of the Xue family died of accidents one after another over the years. After the inspection, they all died of shattered sternum. Among these people, there was a man named Zhang San. He was Xiao Jue's personal servant. I deliberately left him at the end. Sure enough, someone assassinated Mrs. Wang last night, and my servants caught one. Unfortunately, the killer bit the poisonous sac and killed himself. It has the emblem of the Xiao family."

Chen Cheng's words shocked all the officials again, Xiao Chengxiang questioned: "There are so many doubts in this case, we can only say that there is something else hidden in the case, Mr. Shen is only based on the words of a few women, a killer With the plausible emblem on his body, he concludes that the Xiao family is the mastermind behind the scenes, so can't it be someone else who set the blame on him?"

(End of this chapter)

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