Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 955 2 Difficult Situation

Chapter 955 Dilemma
After the discussion between Emperor Chu and Prince Yun Yuanchong, he asked Eunuch Zhao to go to the Shenji Camp to announce the decree, to make Yunjin a general and order troops immediately.

On the general stage, Yun Jin was dressed in military uniform, cold and sharp, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

Tomorrow, he will send his troops to the north, and one day, when he returns from the battlefield, he will also become the mighty God of War.

Rong Jiu took a look from a distance, then turned and left Shenji Camp.

Ever since she learned that Beiyan had handed over her credentials and asked for help from the soldiers, Rong Jiu asked Xiao Qingluo to come back from the medical clinic to make hemostatic ointment and wound medicine together with Sanqi.

After returning to the Princess Mansion, she went directly to the pharmacy. There were several boxes in the pharmacy. When Rong Jiu opened it, it was full of hemostatic ointment and wound medicine.

Xiao Qingluo put the herbs into the refining furnace, and said to Rong Jiu: "Including the previous stock, before dark, there will be [-] bottles."

Rong Jiu looked at the blue shadow in front of her eyes: "These few days, you and Sanqi have worked hard."

"The soldiers threw their heads and blood on the battlefield. How hard it is to do their part for them."

"You and Sanqi go back to rest for a while, leave this to me."

Sanqi said: "Princess, I'm not tired."

Rong Jiu said softly: "Don't be brave, I have nothing to do right now, you go and rest for a while."

Seeing that Lingyue was helping them, the two went back to the house to rest.

Ling Yue looked at the fire and asked, "Princess, what if Prince Jin meets Ling Yunsu?"

The bottom of Rong Jiu's eyes reflected the fire, as if there was a ball dancing, but his expression was deep and indifferent, and he said slowly: "Nanchu has been peaceful for a long time, and people have forgotten that Prince Yun's mansion is wearing a battle armor and galloping on the battlefield. Yun Jin's body and sharpness are not inferior to Ling Yunsu's, but he doesn't show it at ordinary times, if he is allowed to practice a little bit, Nan Chu can also become a God of War."

Ling Yue said with emotion: "I hope that after this battle, the world will be peaceful and there will be no more wars."

Seeing that the fire in the stove was getting weaker, Rong Jiu added a piece of firewood into it, and said quietly: "The world will be united for a long time, and it will be divided if it is united for a long time. It depends on who has the talent and general plan to rule the world and quell the disaster of war."

Ling Yue turned her face to look at her, and suddenly said: "Princess, if you are an emperor, you will be able to return to your heart all over the world, and the prosperous world will be peaceful."

"The society is too heavy, I just want to be with Shen Cheng and live a simple and happy life. If the Xiao family didn't bully people too much, I'm afraid I'm still in the medicine manor, being my landlady."

"Imperial power and wealth, many people can't ask for it, but the princess treats it like nothing."

"Everyone has his own aspirations, and that's not all I have."

Lingyue looked at the corners of the robe fluttering in the distance, raised her lips and said, "Princess only has Master Shen in her heart. If one day, there is a choice between the people of the country and Master Shen, which one will the princess choose?"

Rong Jiu blurted out without hesitation: "If there is such a dilemma, I will choose Minsheji."

Ling Yue froze for a moment, and the shadow on the ground also stopped.


"If I am alone for him and ignore the people of the world, then I am not the Jiu in his heart. If he dies, I will die with him. If the blue sky falls into the yellow spring, if we hold hands and depend on each other, what is there to be afraid of?"

As Rong Jiu spoke, a shadow fell over her. When she looked up, she saw Shen Cheng standing under the sunlight, looking deeply at her.

The corners of Rong Jiu's lips raised slowly: "Every time you say this, you hear it, you must be very proud and happy."

With a smile on her face, Ling Yue quickly got up and left the pharmacy.

Shen Cheng sat down beside her, and smiled: "Being a husband will never put you in a dilemma."

(End of this chapter)

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