Chapter 973
At dusk, Princess Yunxiao came back with a radiant smile on her face, "Sister Ajiu, you're awake."

Rong Jiu smiled and said "Yes", "Listening to the Buddhist music all afternoon, what can I gain?"

"Master Yuan Yi discussed the Dharma with the holy monk just now. It was wonderful. It's a pity that you didn't go."

"The Buddhadharma is boundless, and it will not save those who are not connected. I have no roots of wisdom, and even if I go there, I will not understand it."

"Sister Ah Jiu said something casually, she is so Zen-like, and said that she has no roots of wisdom." Yun Xiaojun looked at Rong Jiu with clear eyes, "At this time, everyone is going to have a fast meal, and there are few people at the blessing tree. , Sister Ajiu, let's go pray for blessings."

Seeing her looking forward to it, Rong Jiu stood up with a smile, and walked out: "Let's go."

Princess Yunxiao laughed immediately, Lingyue came back with the fast food, saw that the two were about to go out, and asked, "Princess, where are you going?"

Princess Yunxiao said: "Miss Yue, we are going to pray for blessings, so you should go too."

Ling Yue put the food box on the table and said: "Go after eating, or the food will be cold."

"After the meal is over, there will be more people at the blessing tree. We will come back after praying, and there won't be much delay. Let's go."

Princess Yunxiao has already pulled Rong Jiu out of the courtyard.

In early winter, the sky was getting dark quickly. When the two came back from praying, it was already dark. Huguo Temple was now full of people and snakes, and there were people of all kinds. Lingyue was worried, so they went to Nanshan together.

It was dusk, and the lights in the temple were turned on early. At this moment, everyone was eating, and there were no people on the road. Occasionally, I met one or two young monks, and they all respectfully performed the Buddhist ceremony.

From a distance, Rong Jiu saw a towering tree with countless red blessing belts hanging on it. When he got closer, he realized that the tree was actually an ash tree.

According to legend, in ancient times, Emperor Yan Shennong ruled the world and taught all kinds of crops and grains. Cranes carried grain ears and landed here, and ash trees absorbed the aura of heaven and earth. Therefore, praying for blessings is particularly efficacious.

Princess Yunxiao handed the prepared blessing belt to Rong Jiu and Ling Yue: "Sister Ajiu, make a wish on the blessing tree, and then tie the blessing belt on the tree, the blessing tree will surely bless you to get your wish fulfilled. "

"Okay." Rong Jiu accepted it with a smile.

She doesn't believe in Buddhism, and whatever she wants, she will achieve her wish with her own strength, but, for the sake of those she cares about, she is willing to believe that sincerity leads to spirit.

Rong Jiu clasped his hands together, eyes slightly closed, and made a wish to the blessing tree, wishing the Shen family to be happy and safe, and to have a smooth life.

Ling Yue didn't believe this, but put her palms together and prayed for Rong Jiu, then flew up to the branch and tied the blessing belt at the highest point.

Princess Yunxiao exclaimed: "Miss Yue, you are so amazing."

Lingyue asked: "Do you want me to help the princess hang up the blessing belt?"

Princess Yunxiao shook her head, and was about to climb up: "Sincerity leads to success, I will do it myself."

Rong Jiu smiled and said: "Let Xiaoyue'er take you up, and then you hang it on the branch with your own hands."

Princess Yunxiao's eyes lit up, she raised her head and shouted to Lingyue: "Miss Yue,"

Ling Yue flew down, took Rong Jiu and Yun Xiaojun, and swept up.

Standing on the trunk of the tree, Princess Yun was very excited. The higher he hung, the more he could absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and the more effective it would be.

Rong Jiu hung the blessing belt beside Princess Yunxiao, and Ling Yue flew down with the two of them.

After praying for blessings, several people returned to the bamboo garden, and Ling Yue took the fasting meal to heat it up. After finishing the meal, Rong Jiu looked at the dark night and smiled.

You hour is almost here.

(End of this chapter)

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