Pastoral fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1072 1075 Please the in-laws

Chapter 1072 1075 Please the in-laws
Su Li's face immediately turned red like a tomato, she twisted out of Xiao Zetian's arms, and said unnaturally: "I made some snacks in the kitchen, you can take them home later, and give them to Master Hou and Madam Hou to taste."

Xiao Zetian smiled and squinted his eyes: "Oh, I've flattered my future in-laws before I even got married, how virtuous I am!"

Su Li spat, trotted all the way out, put several snacks she carefully made into a food box in the kitchen, brought them to Xiao Zetian, and said: "The snacks are fresh out of the pot, and they taste good when they are hot .You go back to the Hou Mansion quickly, lest the snacks get cold and taste bad."

Su Li said while pushing Xiao Zetian away.

Xiao Zetian carried the food box and said with a smile: "Okay, you little thing, now you can call up your husband to be a favor to your in-laws."

Su Li smiled and pushed him out the door: "I'm not doing this for you! Hurry up, hurry up, dim sum is delicious while it's hot, so you must give it to Master Hou and Madam Hou to taste while it's hot."

Xiao Zetian originally wanted to spend more time with Su Li, but it can be seen that Su Li was so eager to make some snacks for him to take home, so he followed her wishes and helped his future wife earn her prestige with her parents first, so that after marriage she would Easy to get along with.

Xiao Zetian wrapped the cloak of the food box, and rode back home on horseback. People who didn't know it thought there was some urgent military situation. Who would have known that Prince Qin had heard a word from the future princess and went to run errands for the future princess.

Xiao Zetian galloped all the way back to the Marquis Mansion, he entered the door in a bright mood, even the boy who opened the door was able to see his prince's smiling face for the first time.

After Xiao Zetian returned home, he immediately went to see Lou Shi with the food box.

Lou Shi was in the room, looked up and saw Xiao Zetian coming in with a food box.

"Mother!" Because of Xiao Zetian's relationship with Su Li, Lou's attitude is extraordinarily respectful today.

Although Lou's attitude towards his son these years has been lukewarm and indifferent, Xiao Zetian is very pleased with Lou's attitude towards Su Li.

In Xiao Zetian's heart, it doesn't matter if Lou Shi treats him indifferently, he must treat Su Li well.

"Tian'er is here, sit down quickly." Lou Shi said.

Xiao Zetian put the food box on the table, and said, "Mum, did you visit Ah Li today? This is a snack made by Ah Li himself, please try it."

Lou Shi glanced at the food box, feeling very disdainful in her heart, thinking what kind of snacks would a village girl make?It's probably rustic rough food that the women in the village can't get on the table, but they actually bring it to her, Mrs. Hou?

There is simply no energy in the eyes!
However, Lou's face was not revealing, and when he heard Su Li bring her some snacks, he seemed very happy, and said: "Then Su is such a sensible and good boy, it's no wonder she still remembers me, so she made some snacks and brought them here. .”

Xiao Zetian opened the food box with a smile, put out the four snacks inside and put them on the table, saying: "Mom, the dim sum is just out of the pan, and it's still hot, mother, try it while it's hot."

Looking at these four dim sums, Lou Shi found them to be very delicate, and the aroma they emitted was even more fragrant than the dim sums in the palace banquet and imperial dining room, making people want to whet their appetite just by smelling them.

Lou Shi was very surprised, how could a village girl make such a high-end dim sum, which is better than the imperial dining room.

But Lou thought about it, the village girl doesn't know how to do it herself, but she can secretly buy it and pretend that she did it herself, or ask someone else to do it, and then claim credit in front of Xiao Zetian, saying that she did it herself.

(End of this chapter)

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