Pastoral fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1179 1181 Regret for not cultivating feelings

Chapter 1179 1181 Regret for not cultivating feelings

At this time, Lou's smile was like a flower, and she said beautiful words to Wang, "Mrs. Wang, you said that. I like A Li very much, and treat her as my own daughter. This love house and Wu, I think about it." Now, Ah Li has lost his father, and Mrs. Wang lived alone in her later years, and she was very lonely, so it would be better to take Mrs. Wang to the Hou Mansion to take care of her, fulfilling the filial piety of Ah Li and Tian'er."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

In the countryside, the married daughter is the water that is thrown out.If the married girl gave something to her natal family, she would be scolded by her in-laws.

But as for Mrs. Wang, the daughter she raised is smart and can make money, her son-in-law is more filial than her own son, and her daughter will marry her, take care of her with her own hands, and provide her with old age until the end of her life. Mrs. Wang feels in her heart that she is probably the happiest mother in the world up.

Wang's side is as happy as a flower, and Lou's heart is as aggrieved as a dog's tail grass, looking at Wang's happy smiling face, he can't wait to pounce on Wang's face and scratch it.

But there is no way, Lou Shi heard that Xiao Zetian respected this mother-in-law very much when he was living abroad.

To be honest, the relationship between Lou's and Xiao Zetian these years has been neither salty nor warm, and when it comes to the relationship between mother and child, it may not be deeper than Wang's and Xiao Zetian's.

In the past, Lou was indifferent to Xiao Zetian, because there was no comparison, he didn't feel anything.

But now that Mrs. Wang is here, looking at Xiao Zetian's attitude towards Mrs. Wang and the look in Mrs. Wang's eyes, Mrs. Lou suddenly felt that in Xiao Zetian's heart, Mrs. Lou is better than Mrs. Wang because he was born. ,

Compared to others, Lou's is really inferior to Wang's.

At this time, Lou felt a little bit regretful, she knew that she had cultivated more relationships with Xiao Zetian before, and got closer, otherwise the relationship between mother and child would be so weak today, and she would have to watch her son's face instead.

Facing Xiao Zetian's other "mother" who suddenly appeared, Lou felt that his position was in jeopardy.

Mo Momo, who was next to her, has been observing quietly, she has seen with her own eyes how Lou and Xiao Zetian got along for so many years.

Xiao Zetian still had attachment to Lou Shi when he was a child for a while, but after Lou's constant indifference, that attachment has long since disappeared.The affection between mother and son is as weak as water. Xiao Zetian respects Lou more for his mother, but not much for the rest of the relationship. After all, although mother and son live in the same mansion, they haven't had much contact with each other.When Xiao Zetian was a little older, he went to the military camp to practice, and it was rare for mother and child to see each other, let alone cultivate their relationship.

Let's compare Xiao Zetian and Wang Shi again.

Xiao Zetian's tone of voice to Wang, and the way he looked at Wang, were clearly the son's look at his mother, revealing a sense of intimacy. Even Xiao Zetian's innate noble and desolate temperament, in front of Wang and Su Li, , all naturally converged, and the whole person became much gentler.

Those who don't know will really think that Xiao Zetian and Wang are the real mother and son, while Lou is a guest from outside.

Nanny Mo is an old man, and she can tell at a glance that this village woman who just came to the city from the countryside should have a very high status in Prince Xiao's heart.

Nanny Mo lowered her head, and said to herself that Su Li was originally here, and his position in Xiao Zetian's heart was enough to cause headaches.

Now there is another "Mother" whom Xiao Zetian regards as closer to his own mother than his own mother. Adding up the weight of this mother and daughter in Xiao Zetian's heart, even Lou's and Marquis Weiyuan may not be able to compare.

(End of this chapter)

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