Pastoral fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1205 1207 Culinary Fame

Chapter 1205 1207 Culinary Fame
"Oh, my lord's attack is too heavy." The eunuch trembled when he saw this, his skin was torn apart, how could a pampered son like Li Yanhao bear it!
It must be because Li Yanhao was disobedient and made King Huainan angry.

The imperial physician took Li Yanhao's pulse and prescribed medicine, saying that Li Yanhao had a high fever and he had to be taken care of carefully.

Li Yanhao woke up at this time, with his eyes half closed, cursing: "I just want to eat, what's wrong!? None of the cooks in the house can make that taste!"

The eunuch clicked his tongue, thinking that the son of the world is really a foodie, he was beaten like this just to eat something good?

How good is the fiancée of His Royal Highness the King of Qin's culinary skills, and she is so fascinated by Li Yanhao, a big foodie who eats all over the world?

"Master, from now on, you should listen to the prince, don't fight against him, look at the injury, how painful it is." The eunuch said.

Li Yanhao groaned a few words, felt drowsy from the fever, and fell asleep again with his face flushed.

The eunuch He came out with the imperial doctor, and symbolically persuaded King Huainan a few words.

The king of Huainan thanked the emperor for his concern, and personally sent the eunuch and imperial doctor out of the palace.

In the palace over there, Emperor Jin Xuan was already waiting for someone to return to his life. The eunuch and the imperial physician respectively informed Emperor Jin Xuan of what they had seen and heard.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan of Jin frowned.

It seems that this time it was Li Yanhao's famous foodie who got into trouble.

Anyway, as long as it wasn't Huainan Wang who wanted to collude with Xiao Zetian, it would be fine. As for the others, Li Yanhao can make as much noise as he likes.The emperor tolerated Li Yanhao's troubles, and invisibly earned himself the reputation of caring for his nephews, which is completely different from the notoriety of the former emperor Jin Wudi who killed his brothers.

Emperor Xuan of Jin waved his hand to show that he knew, and the matter would be over.

But the popularity of this matter in the capital has not diminished. Everyone knows that Li Yanhao, the son of the famous foodie Huainan Prince, was beaten up by the Huainan King for eating a cook's food, and he still can't get out of bed.

So the big guy was just curious, what kind of cook is so good that he can make the son eat such a bite even if he is beaten?
When there were different opinions and guesses about the cook's identity, someone in the know came out and said that the cook was the fiancée of His Highness King Qin, a country girl named Su Li.

So overnight, with the help of Li Yanhao's beating, Su Li's reputation as a famous chef spread throughout the capital.

The big guys even rumored in private that the reason why Xiao Zetian married Su Li was because he was attracted by Su Li's cooking skills!

As the saying goes, to keep a man's heart, you must first keep a man's stomach!
This Su Li's culinary skills are so good that not only did Li Yanhao get beaten for her dishes, but also sent the god of war Xiao Zetian to his house?

When the whole capital was talking about Su Li's cooking skills, Su Li couldn't sit still.

Not for anything else, because Li Yanhao was beaten too hard this time, and it is said that he is still in a coma.

Su Li is so perceptive, Xiao Zetian was a little bit more that day, she knew the stakes, guessed that Li Yanhao's beating was probably related to her, and she was even more anxious.

Mrs. Wang also burst into tears anxiously: "My son is such a good child, why don't you just stay in our house for a few more days, why does his father hit him so hard and beat him like that?"

Su Li pursed her lips, but she couldn't explain to Wang Shi. When she turned her head, she saw a person rushing out.

"Bing, where are you going!?"

(End of this chapter)

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