Pastoral fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1727 1732 New World

Chapter 1727 1732 New World
When Su Li entered the courtyard, he saw a few soldiers from the Xiao Family Army taking care of the children.

Those children were twelve or thirteen years old, and the youngest were only five or six years old. Not long after losing their parents, many children sat in the yard crying with grief in their eyes.

As soon as the children saw Xiao Zetian coming in, they seemed to recognize him, and immediately surrounded them, chatting in one go:

"General Xiao has come to see us again!"

"If it wasn't for General Xiao, we would all have died in the mountains."

"The savior is here, thank you General Xiao for saving my brother and me!"

"Thank you benefactor!"

The innocent and simple faces of the children made Su Li feel sour. Seeing the shabby clothes and poor food of the children, she felt bad.

Xiao Zetian smiled and mingled with the children. The children were all in awe and awe of this legendary God of War general, and they all looked curiously at the beautiful big sister brought by General Xiao.

A timid girl looked at Su Li enviously, and asked weakly, "Is this beautiful sister General Xiao's wife?"

Su Li looked at her with a smile and nodded, "Yes, I am General Xiao's wife."

The little girl's eyes lit up: "General Xiao is a good person, so the general's wife must be a good person too!"

Su Li looked at the child's innocent eyes and was happy.

So the children swarmed up again and surrounded Su Li.

Su Li distributed the food he brought with him to the children, and the children were as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year, they shared the food and ate it.

Su Li looked at them and said with a smile: "Children, your homeland is gone, but General Xiao and I will not give up on you. If you are willing to follow us and serve us, I will guarantee that you will have enough to eat and have enough to eat." Warm clothes to wear, books to read, and a family to start a career in the future.”

"Really!" The children were in the despair of losing their homes, relatives and parents. After hearing what the general's wife said, there was a light of expectation in their eyes.

Su Li looked at the children and nodded solemnly: "If you are willing to work hard, I will give you a chance to change your destiny."

The children looked at each other with hesitation in their eyes.

They were all children from the same village. They knew each other and whispered together, but suddenly, the little girl stood up and said, "I don't think Mrs. General will lie to us! We are all orphans without father and mother. We, only General Xiao, are in charge of us. We have no strength and are useless. We can’t beat soldiers in a fight. If the general’s wife wants to kill us or sell us, she doesn’t have to lie to us at all, because we can’t resist at all!”

Such a simple truth, uttered from this little girl's mouth, was explicit and true. Su Li touched the little girl's head and said, "Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Sisi." The girl replied shyly.

"Sisi is right!" An older boy also responded: "If people really want to harm us, how can they deceive them? If you just force them, who can resist! General Xiao is a good person, and so is the general's wife." Good man, it is our good fortune that they are willing to take care of us orphans, I don’t care, anyway, I want to follow General Xiao and his wife, I don’t want to end up like this for the rest of my life, I want to change my destiny!”

One person responds, a hundred people respond!

"I also want!"

"And me, we all follow General Xiao and his wife!"


Childish voices echoed in the yard one after another. Su Li looked at this group of orphans who were full of longing for the future. From them, it seemed that a new and different world was opening the door.

(End of this chapter)

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