Page 376 of Chapter 130

Li Zihe really lived up to expectations, managed the base in an orderly manner, and it was definitely not because of good luck that he became the number one base.

However, when the development of the base reached its peak, Li Zihe... died!
Died inexplicably, died for no reason.

Just fell asleep like that, and never woke up again.

The Li family looked for the reason like crazy, but they couldn't find anything.Li Zihe seemed to have died because he fell asleep.

But Li Zihe was gone, but the leader of the base could not be gone.

This is a critical period for the development of the base. If the news about Li Zihe breaks out, the base will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Li Zile was on top.

Li Zile grew up pampered by the Li family. Although she was a bit cautious, she was actually a naive little girl.

She can maintain the status quo of the base under the foundation left by her brother.

But he still couldn't believe the fact that his brother had died.

She missed her brother all the time, until Wu Meng's appearance, this yearning reached its peak.

Li Zile has known Wu Meng for a long time. During Li Zihe's three years in high school, Wu Meng often appeared in his mouth.

Li Zihe liked Wu Meng for a long time, although it was outrageous that Li Zihe, who was so proud of heaven, would fall in love with an unknown girl.

Li Zihe is very sensible and puts his family first.

He knew his mission, so he never dared to let go of his joy, so he liked Wu Meng, but he was only secretly in love for three whole years.

Then with graduation and leaving, this secret love ended without a problem.

And Wu Meng didn't even know that the influential people in the school liked her from the beginning to the end.

Li Zile missed her brother, but her brother liked Wu Meng but couldn't be together. This innocent girl had a ridiculous idea in her mind.

She wants to replace her brother and fulfill his unfulfilled wish.

For her brother, she wanted to catch up with the girl he liked.It's just that she was too naive, only thinking about these things, but ignoring the possible bad results of this thought.

She is, after all, a woman at heart.

At that time, she didn't think about anything, she just pursued Wu Meng single-mindedly, like a moth to a flame, and tried all the pursuit methods.

It turned out that she didn't even touch the corner of Wu Meng's clothes, but was inexplicably cannon fodder, and even the Li family's family died.

In fact, this is a very miserable girl who committed a two-year-old girl.

But now this girl, hehe, is Ye Shengge.

So, how is she going to save her, the tragic ending of this secondary illness.

Although she is very powerful, she is also very distressed if she always encounters such a problem, okay?

As Ye Shengge was walking, he suddenly looked up at the dark sky and sighed deeply.

"Sure enough, those who are capable work harder, and those who are capable work harder!"

Lingling Yao: ...

Dear host, I call you a narcissist, do you dare to answer?

After walking for a long time, and crossing about half of the base, Ye Shengge finally arrived at his destination.

——First Base Research Institute.

That's right, the name is so tall!

The appearance is even taller.

This was originally a secret laboratory in the country before the end of the world, in order to keep it secret.The most advanced materials were used at that time.

The entire outer layer is made of precious alloy, which is very strong, and it can be seen that it is strong only by looking at the various rags around it.

When the apocalypse came, this laboratory was occupied by the Li family, and the most powerful scientists were assembled at a great cost to try to find a way to eliminate the apocalypse as soon as possible.

And there has been a lot of progress.

And this is all due to the existence of Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi is a darling.

Yuan Xi is a smart guy!
Yuan Xi is a pervert!
This is everyone's opinion of him, which is very consistent and there is no objection at all.

He is really smart!

Belongs to the kind of natural evildoer talent!
He is only in his twenties today, but he is already a well-known figure among scientists, the leader of the hot race.

Originally, this kind of character should be scrambled by countless people, but he is too perverted, and people dare not snatch it.

How perverted is he?

One who is in a bad mood will poison your whole family to death, one who is in a bad mood wants to destroy the world, and one who is in a bad mood wants to destroy human beings before committing suicide!

It can be described as perverted to the extreme.In his eyes, everyone is not human at all, but a guinea pig that can be used for experiments.

Before the end of the world, there were various rules and regulations, and he could still restrain his destructive power, so he was not so perverted.

However, God has no eyesight. The end of the world has come, and this perverted person has no scruples.

Crazy looking for all kinds of people to experiment, and even don't know what method was used to capture the supernatural beings for research.

When the Li family found him, he was dissecting a person with supernatural powers in a cave. At that time, the person with supernatural abilities had been disembowelled, but he held his breath forcefully. It wasn't that he didn't want to die, but that he couldn't die.

Yuan Xi disagreed, no one could live in front of him, or... die!
The Li family is afraid of him, but looking at the whole world, only this pervert can develop the medicine that can save the apocalypse.

So the Li family took the risk and invited Yuan Xi to the first base.And paid a huge price for it.

One of them is to provide him with any experimental equipment he needs.

And... the experimental body!

Experimental subjects want everything, zombies, supernatural beings, and ordinary people.

The Li family responded one by one and realized them one by one.

Of course, the Li family was not insane. The experimental subjects they found were almost all murderous and crazy people.

Facts have proved that the efforts of the Li family are worthwhile, and the Li family's vision is not wrong.

One year after the end of the world, Yuan Xi had researched some signs.

If you continue to study it, you will definitely succeed, and the last days will usher in a turning point, and everyone will be able to gain life.

However this time...

The hero and heroine appeared.

The first base was destroyed.

Yuan Xi... is dead.

Someone once asserted that only Yuan Xi could develop the antidote in the world. If so, after Yuan Xi's death, human beings seemed to be getting better and better, and led by the hero and heroine to the light.

However, if the zombies are not eliminated, everything is a temporary solution, not the root cause, so human beings persisted for a short time, the kingdom of zombies matured, and human beings ushered in extinction.

The hero and heroine were not spared either.

Although the earth is still there in the end, it is actually extinct, because there is no life on the earth.

How can a planet without life be considered a planet?

So the earth was no longer the earth at the moment when human beings were destroyed.

And all the turning points were all on Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi is too important.Some of his configurations feel taller than the protagonist?
Sometimes Ye Shengge even felt that Yuan Xi might be Tiandao's own son, if he hadn't died.

It's a pity that he still died, and he died a little bit aggrieved.

Let people sigh!

No matter what happened now, Ye Shengge had to hold on to his life.

Because of him, is the future of the earth!
(End of this chapter)

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