Chapter 670 (42)

These piles, one by one, coincidentally couldn't be more coincidental to collide together.

It seems that God will have trouble with the funeral.

Let alone the depression of burial.

But after Wang Ling's body was found, Ye Shengge didn't care about hurting the spring and autumn, so he put on his clothes and went to the police station.

Si Ting was afraid that something would happen to her, so he deliberately put off work and stayed with her.

When we arrived at the police station, there were already many people in the police station.

Wang Ling's parents and the other four girls in the dormitory did not care for one.

Several of Wang Ling's parents were already crying. As for her grandfather, he was so sad that he passed out and was sent to the rest room to rest.

Several girls in the dormitory also cried uncontrollably.

Not only because of Wang Ling's death, but also because she was so miserable.

There was a big hole in Wang Ling's abdomen, and all the organs inside flowed out, which looked terrible.

And her limbs are gone, except for the arm just now, the others have not been found.

In other words, Wang Ling's body is still incomplete.

It can be said that it was miserable.

Even the police couldn't bear to see such a tragic situation, so they worked harder to investigate the truth of Wang Ling's death.

But still no progress.

They were able to find Wang Ling's remains, because they put water in the burial, and it was not his intention to decompose the body.

Originally, he wanted to create a crime scene of a dismemberer to cover up the big hole in his abdomen.

The effect is also very obvious now, because everyone thinks so, including Ye Shengge, who has no doubts.

Ye Shengge breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the corpse.

She could tell that Wang Ling was killed by humans and had nothing to do with aliens.

She felt inexplicably relieved.

Then prepare to leave.

But it happened so coincidentally that just as she stepped out of the police station, two people walked in while discussing.

What he was talking about was nothing else, but another murder case caused by Gu Yeliang.

"That girl is so pitiful. I heard that she just entered college this year. She has both virtue and ability since she was a child, and she is so beautiful that she can be compared with a celebrity."

"Yes, and the death was so miserable. It is said that there was a hole in the abdomen, which seemed to be cut open by some animal directly with its claws, and even the organs inside flowed out..."

Talking unintentionally, but listening intentionally.

The moment Ye Shengge passed by, he stopped immediately when he heard their words.

She stared at the backs of the two of them, and a sentence kept playing in her mind.

The dead one is still the same... A hole is broken in the abdomen... Even the organs inside flow out...

There was a hole in the abdomen... the organs leaked out...

Belly, holes, organs, come out!

Isn't this the case of Wang Ling?Except that her limbs are missing, everything else can be matched with this.

If she could sense it, Si Ting would naturally be able to sense it too.

He grabbed Ye Shengge's hand: "Come on, let's go back."

"Yes." Ye Shengge nodded heavily.

So the two turned their heads again and asked to see Wang Ling's body.

Because of their identities, they went in very smoothly, and no one obstructed them too much.

Standing in front of Wang Ling's body, Ye Shengge's mood was completely different from before.

She was investigating the real truth this time, so she watched it very seriously.Looking at it, he really saw the clue.

There was an unusually familiar breath in that abdomen.

It was Gu Yeliang's breath.

Ye Sheng won't feel wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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