Farmer girl with space for good farming

Chapter 35 No one can look down on our family

Chapter 35 No one can look down on our family

"What brother, their family has never regarded our family as relatives!"

Seeing Mu Feng's injury, Mu Li's eyes became colder.

Grandpa and grandma are influential. Among the three sons, whoever has the ability can go to live in whichever house. The old house originally inherited by the eldest son now lives with the second uncle, and even the second uncle's family gets the most and the best land.

But it's human nature to seek profit, and Mu Li doesn't think it's a big deal.

But they were too cold-blooded, and they didn't regard the eldest son as a son at all, nor did they regard the children of the eldest son's family as grandchildren.

The year before last, Mu Feng was seriously ill with a persistent high fever, and even the village doctor had no choice but to show it to the town's husband.

The Mu family had no money, and when they went to borrow money from Mu Yongxing, they didn't even get a copper coin.

The third uncle, Mu Yongsheng, wanted to help, but his family was also poor, so he only gave Mu's father fifteen copper coins, but fifteen copper coins was not enough to pay the doctor in the town, not even the village doctor.

In the end, Mu Feng ordered himself to survive, otherwise Mu Li would lose a younger brother.

From this incident, it is enough to see the ruthlessness of the grandparents and the second uncle's family. Even the adults in the family don't regard their family as relatives, how could the children do.

After Huai Hua went back, Mu Li put the bamboo basket in the kitchen, and there were half of wild mushrooms, wild vegetables and some mist lotus in the bamboo basket.

The rest were put in the space by Mu Li.

The Mu family was too poor, and the injuries would heal on their own, so there was no need to think about medicines for bruises and the like.

But Mu Li didn't want to leave any traces on her handsome younger brother's face, so she put the herb with anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties into an earthen cup, crushed it to get the grass juice, soaked the grass dregs in Lingquan water and washed it, Then throw away the useless grass dregs.

This anti-swelling potion is ready.

Mu Li doesn't do much, because there is no suitable container for storage, and the medicinal properties will gradually disappear in the air.

There are too few things in the kitchen. The pots and pans seem to be gathered together, but there is only one pot. The porridge and water are all in this pot. There are also six earthenware bowls, six pairs of chopsticks, two pots, two A kettle, an earthenware pot, and several dishes that have not been used for many years.

Drink water from the bowl you eat with.

The palm-sized clay cup in Mu Li's hand was made by Mu Feng and Xiao Zhi playing with mud and put it in the kang for fun.

When Mu Li came over to apply the medicine to Mu Feng, she smeared the medicine on his face and said to him:

"If a person is poor, others will not take him seriously. Our family is poor, and our grandparents, uncles and aunts all look down on us, and Mu Jin, Moran, and the others will bully us, but the more they look down on us, the more we have ability."

"When we are successful in the future and our family is rich, those who bully us will turn their heads to please us."

As she said that, Mu Li stared into Mu Feng's eyes: "Xiao Feng, can you understand what my sister told you?"

Mu Feng nodded vigorously: "I understand, it's because our family is poor and my second uncle's family is rich, that's why Mu Ran and Mu Jin bullied us."

Mu Li was just relieved, but she didn't want Mu Feng's next sentence to almost make her angry:
"Sister, I want to grow up quickly, help my father and mother to farm, grow a lot of vegetables and sell for a lot of money, so that no one can look down on our family..."

Mu Feng's face was very serious, but what he said almost made Mu Li die of anger.

She said so much is not to encourage him to be a farming boy, and with their four acres of land, even if they grow a flower, it is only enough to fill their stomachs, and there is more to think about, unless other land is cultivated.

(End of this chapter)

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