Chapter 589 Busy shop (3)

A shopkeeper and three assistants were selected, all of whom were selected from the group of people who did good deeds, credible people who had confirmed their loyalty.

As an old rule, as soon as a new store opens, there will be a discount, [-]% off for the first three days.

Repeat customers who have used it and praised it all tried to buy it, and the shopkeeper also said that it is a branch with a "beautiful appearance".

Those people tried it, and it was exactly the same as the rouge of another 'Fairy Face and Moon Beauty', so they bought a lot of it immediately.

Among them, whitening cream, moisturizing cream, and body milk are the most popular.

They are all for whitening and moisturizing the skin. Although it is spring, there are a lot of strong winds. When the wind blows, the skin is dried.

But as long as there is a moisturizing ointment, there is absolutely no fear that the skin will be dried out.

The same goes for body lotion, which can be applied all over the body, making the skin of the body moisturized, and there are many more "activities" at night, which makes those women happy, so they come to visit more often.

The price is not expensive, of course, just a box of things that can be wiped all over the body will not last long.

So take advantage of this sale and buy more.

Business is booming!

There is no need for Mu Li to worry about business.

She stayed in the county for three days and sold grain for three days, earning more than a hundred taels of silver.

After adding enough rouge and wine to the three shops in the county town, I headed for Fucheng.

Fucheng is the place where she makes money, and of course it is also the place where she collects good person cards.

With the strong support of space food, even if there are a large number of refugees in Fucheng, they can still support them.

This winter, they have changed from two meals a day to three meals a day, just hoping that they can resist the cold a little when they are not hungry, so as not to die easily.

Other rich people have two meals a day, noon and evening.

Of course, the morning porridge is not responsible for all refugees.

Refugees also have 'compartmental jurisdiction'.

Since Muli established a refugee camp to take in those women and children, other rich people followed suit and established refugee camps.

The refugee camp is very simple, just a place to shelter from the wind and rain, with dozens of people crowded in a room, don't think so much about the others.

And the refugee camp established by whoever is in charge of which one. After knowing this unwritten rule, Muli immediately found someone to discuss with those rich people and asked them to provide several refugee camps.

This is simply voluntary being taken advantage of!

There are hundreds of people in a refugee camp, the rations of hundreds of people, no matter how rich the rich are, they are reluctant to give so much money to support these irrelevant people.

As soon as he heard that someone was willing to take over, he immediately agreed.

Then, the number of refugees in Muli's 'area' is nearly [-].

There are only a few dozen people under her command, how can she be responsible for the food for so many people, so she recruits the strong ones among the refugees, and pays them to help them too.

The refugees were very grateful to Muli for saving Kangxi, they would not ask for any wages, they would be willing to work for her for free.

More than a hundred people were recruited, all of whom were temporary workers, who were only responsible for cooking and distributing rice, and had no contact with the origin of the food.

The origin of the food is Muli's biggest secret, and people who have to be loyal can't know it.

It is also because Muli urgently needs to collect a lot of merit and reduce the occurrence of "sins", so he has worked hard to eat three meals a day. The eggs seem to be free of money every day. The consumption of nearly [-] a day makes those rich people All surprised.

In her jurisdiction, it is not enough for refugees to eat enough, but it is absolutely fine to have six or seven percent full.

Therefore, after a winter, very few people die, and those who die are too weak, either get sick frequently, or are seriously ill, and it will cost too much, so they will be left to fend for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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