Chapter 596 Tired as a Dog (2)

Supper stunned: "..." Hey, he just didn't complete the task last night, so why ask him to do so much?
"Mu Li, there are too many, so many, I'm too weak, you can give me an order, let me know which ones are more urgent and which ones to do first..."

So much, when he is mentally invincible?

If he evolves a few more times, he might be able to do it at the same time, but now, he can't do it even if he splits him in half.

"Brew me one thousand jars of wine first, and five thousand pieces of salted eggs. Let's use the fermented eggs as an experiment. Brew a hundred jars for me first. You have to finish these within a month. As for the others, you Let's see and do it."

Xiaoye: "..." Is this the rhythm of thinking that he won't be able to rest this month?

"Hey, Muli, don't bring such things. Didn't I just run out of wine last night? Why are you punishing me like this?"

A month of not resting because of being lazy for one night?

It's so scary!
He is still young and still developing!
Hearing this, Mu Li squinted at him: "Do you think I'm punishing you?"

Is not it?
"Then what are you doing?" Xiao Ye was puzzled.

Mu Li didn't answer and asked: "Tell me, will this year's event continue to be full of disasters?"

"Of course, earthquakes, flash floods, heavy rains, and droughts will still come, but you have earned so much merit, compared to last year, this year will be relatively less, and the disaster will be lessened." Xiao Ye said.

Last year's earthquake was not absent, but it was not in this area. The torrential torrential rain in this area completely destroyed the farmers' harvest for a whole year.

"In this case, I will be very busy again. After the snowstorm, I have to prevent floods. It's really annoying. I have to buy those farmlands on high ground, and the buildings have to be built on high ground. In order to prevent earthquakes, I have to Reinforce the house a few more floors, and it will be full of white money." Thinking of this, Mu Li's heart ached.

Next, Mu Li went all out to sell the food. The food produced in the space tasted very good, and the price was the same as that on the market.

After she sold it to major restaurants and those high-end courtyards at a low price for the first time, the subsequent business went very smoothly.

Even if the price is the same as the market price, and the price has not been lowered due to wholesale, her things are still extremely popular.

All the restaurants and those mansions who are accustomed to space products wish to sign long-term orders with her so that these things can be stabilized.

Instead of buying a batch this time, they don’t know when they will come back next time, and they have to go to the market to buy from other people. The taste has dropped to a level, and the business has dropped a lot.

In the past, Mu Li mainly focused on running a shop, and she shouldn't go out for too long when she first comes out, she has to go home once in a while, so she can't decide for a long time.

However, in order to make money this time, Mu Li placed a long-term order with them.

Fucheng is very large, and there are many restaurants. She has made orders with all the famous and good restaurants in various streets.

The timing of regular delivery is also different, depending on the business of each restaurant, some restaurants deliver every three days, and some deliver every five days.

For those chickens, some give away a hundred at a time, and some are very popular, and they have two hundred at a time.

Now the number of chickens is small, and the price is still high, fifteen yuan per catty, about five catties per catty, and seventy or eighty yuan per catty.

These one hundred will cost seven or eight taels of silver.

Those eggs are ordered in baskets. There must be two hundred eggs in a basket. An egg costs a penny and a half, and a basket costs three hundred pennies.

(End of this chapter)

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