Farmer girl with space for good farming

Chapter 812 The God-Defying Baby

Chapter 812 The God-Defying Baby (1)

The days passed quickly, except for the first few days when Yuan Yan fell ill and took care of him, Mu Li spent the rest of the time in Yan Wang's mansion, learning to play the piano, read some books, practice calligraphy, and learn painting.

If you want her to say, Yuan Yan is really amazing, at a young age, he can write well, read a lot of books, and his paintings are superb.

It can be said that there is everything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and poetry and songs are at your fingertips.

Except for some physical problems, she has never seen a more perfect person than him.

Mu Li thinks that her calligraphy is not bad, but that's for Mu Feng and Xiao Zhi, comparing with Yuan Yan, it's like an artist and an ordinary person, it's too bad to compare.

I can draw her with simple strokes and some animations, but if I want to talk about ink painting and national style, it will definitely not work.

As for the piano, she knows a few pieces on the piano, but on the guzheng... well, it doesn't matter if I don't mention it.

Originally, she thought she was a bit like a elder sister in front of Yuan Yan, but after learning these things from Yuan Yan, she found that she was really bad as hell.

But I really can't blame her. After coming here, she is either digging wild vegetables and fungi to fill her stomach, or making money and making more money. How can she have time to learn these things.

"Sister, put your hands like this. After flicking your index finger up, gently lift it up, and then put it down..."

Yuan Yan taught her patiently and gently, explaining in detail, and Mu Li also learned it very seriously.

However, until now I haven't learned a piece of music well, I only know the general idea of ​​playing the piano.

【You are stupid enough, didn't you hear Yuan Yan say that he had already learned the first piece of music at the age of five, and that after the age of ten, he could learn the world-famous pieces at his fingertips?I’ve been teaching you for so many days, but I haven’t learned a single song yet, you’re so stupid, he’s already learned how to teach pigs...]

Mu Li was studying the piano seriously, and Xiao Ye was complaining on the side. This guy didn't know what was going on. After coming to Yan Wang's mansion, his temper became more and more weird. He knew that he would be beaten for complaining, but he still persevered. When Yan taught her, he sat beside her.

Being beaten every night, Mu Li lost interest in the beating, and automatically blocked his words.

"That's how I play it. Why can't I play it as well as you?" Mu Li was surprised, but she still didn't play well according to what he said.

In fact, Mu Li is not a person who likes to play the piano very much, but once when chatting, she smiled and asked if he could play the piano, and Yuan Yan played her a song on the spot. , and good-looking.It sounds good, it’s hearing, this looks good, of course it’s vision.

At a young age, the facial features have not yet matured, but they can't stop the immature delicacy between the eyebrows and eyes, the waist is straight, and the expression when playing the piano is composed and confident, and the beautiful music is lingering between the bare hands.

The posture and shape are so elegant and moving.

Just sitting there automatically forms a painting.

Mu Li couldn't help it anymore, so she said that she wanted to learn too, and when she was bored in the future, it would be nice to play and listen to the music by herself, and be a person in the painting.

Unexpectedly, this looks good, but it is so difficult to learn.

I have been studying for nearly ten days, but I have not learned a single capital.

Yuan Yan held her hand and patted it lightly, and said softly: "Priority should be moderate, but sister, you are already playing very well, but you will have such an effect in a few days, and in another month, sister, you will definitely be able to learn. "

Learning a piece of music in a month is actually very fast, but compared with Yuan Yan who learned it at the age of five and played all the famous songs at the age of ten, it is much worse.

And she felt that even if she learned it in a month, her playing would still be at most a passing mark.

(End of this chapter)

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