Chapter 882 Feeling Uneasy (1)

The yard Mu Li bought had three entrances, a hall, three houses, a kitchen, and a small yard.

When I bought it, I thought that only Mu Feng Xiaozhi would live there, but I didn't expect that Mu Ran would be added.

So now it's a bit crowded. Sun has one room, one for study, and one for the rest, so he buys a bigger bed so that the three of them can sleep together.

Mu Li felt that they had been wronged. When she bought it, she was just afraid that buying a house that was too big would only accommodate two or three people. It might make them feel uneasy because it would be too spacious, so she chose for a long time before buying this house.

But she thought about it too much. In the eyes of Mu Feng and the others, this house is very good. It is not a problem for three people to sleep in one room. They can still talk and chat together, and they can have a company when they leave home. They are not lonely at all. Besides, the room is big enough.

Others can also have study rooms and courtyards, which are much better than living in one room for several people in the academy.

School will start in two days, and Mu Li sees that they have high expectations for their new life. In order not to leave a bad impression on the teacher, they wake up early every morning and read in the yard with a book in their hands.

I don't go out very much.

Mu Li was relieved, and then gave Sun the money. In order to save her from treating her younger brothers too badly, she gave her 50 taels at once.

"Why do you give me so much money?" Sun's hands were trembling while holding the money, "You take this money yourself, I still have money, and I still have a lot, don't worry, I won't eat it Those who treat children badly."

Holding this huge amount, after thinking about it for a while, she realized why Muli gave her so much money. She felt helpless. Although she saved money, it was only because of unnecessary purchases. After the money, when did she save it?

Mu Li said: "Take the money and buy them clothes or other things. The consumption in the county is not low. Although we don't compare with others, we can't let Xiaofeng and his classmates look down on them if they dress poorly. .”

Mrs. Sun saw that her daughter did not seem to be short of money, so she accepted it, and sighed inwardly, 50 taels can be taken as she pleases, no matter how luxurious she is, it is enough to live for several years.

This child likes to give money all at once instead of monthly, every time he gives it makes people flustered.

After solving the study and lodging problems of her younger brothers, Mu Li went to Fucheng.

I haven't been to Fucheng for a long time, and the operation here is still stable, but the business of the wine shop and rouge shop is not as good as before, and the monthly profit has dropped by [-] to [-]%.

But this did not hinder the operation of the charity hall, because the amount of money left by Mu Li was too large, and because of the huge amount of merit, the severity of natural disasters had dropped a lot, so there were not as many refugees as before, and there were twenty more A solid source of income for the shop.

Therefore, there is no shortage of money.

Now the merits are changed to building roads, building temples, and gilding Buddha statues.

In addition, she also went to see small charity halls in other places. Relatively speaking, they were not as good as Fucheng, but they were not bad.

She even went to the border and donated most of the food stored in the space, 100 million catties of rice, as well as those eggs, chickens, and fruits. Basically, she donated more than half of what could be given to the heroes guarding the border. Delicious vegetables and fruits after meals.

Naturally, it was impossible to just say that they would accept food donations to the army, but Mu Li used some tricks to win the trust of the generals guarding the border.

Coincidentally, she knew the general guarding the border, no, it was not acquaintance, it should be said that he was a relative of someone she knew, Yu Chixiao, who was Li Minyu's second uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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