Farmer girl with space for good farming

Chapter 945 Knowing Your Mind

Chapter 945 Knowing Your Mind (1)

I don't know how long the carriage has been driving. Anyway, Mu Li felt uncomfortable in the carriage, and even the time seemed to be slowed down a lot. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a day like a year.

She was forced into Yuan Yan's arms, played with her hair by him, listened to his low-pitched voice, and was envied and envied by Xiao Ye in the space.

When the carriage stopped and was told by the coachman that he had arrived, he could get off.

Mu Li felt as if chatting with the girls in the Yuchi Mansion this morning was a lifetime ago.

Really, facing the emperor and queen in the palace yesterday was not as stressful as facing him.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, his body lightened, and he hugged her whole body.


Mu Li struggled and said slightly annoyed: "What are you doing, what are you talking about when people see you, put me down quickly..."

Yuan Yan lowered his head slightly to look at her, the corner of his mouth was always so gentle, he said softly: "Sister, don't be afraid, there will be no one else here."

As he said that, he had already bent over and stepped out of the carriage, and stepped on the stool to get out of the carriage.

Going outside, the view is wide and bright, in front of you is a courtyard, surrounded by open grass, a few sparse trees, and a few hills in the distance.

Being disturbed by Yuan Yan along the way, she didn't know where the carriage went, but judging from the environment of this place, it was probably also in the suburbs.

It's just, what did he bring himself here for.

But after being carried in, Mu Li realized that the difference in this other courtyard was not anything else, but this dress... Why is it so like getting married?

There are lanterns and festoons everywhere, red strips and red knots. Although the New Year is approaching, many people's homes are also festively decorated, but it is not so exaggerated.

What the hell did you bring her here for.

Yuan Yan hugged her all the way and put her down in a room.

When Mu Li saw the decoration of the room, she was stunned, and after her body was freed, she couldn't make any reaction.

In fact, she didn't really have much to say.

The whole room is covered with her paintings, oh no, to be more precise, it should be the paintings of her and Yuan Yan.

They walked hand in hand, slept in each other's arms, laughed at eating together, how they got along when he taught her the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and there are many, many things that she didn't know or that were imagined by him...

From the day they met, both of them were small, to the grown up now, and the future...

Each painting is different, some are real and some are fictitious, but the only thing that is the same is that the boy smiles at the girl, looks at her eyes, and moves toward her, tenderly and affectionately...

The scene of them getting along only surprised her, but what shocked her the most was that Yuan Yan even imagined the scene of their marriage and the scene of the two of them rubbing each other's ears after marriage.

Look at the woman similar to her in the painting, even her coquettish expression, raised eyebrows, and slightly raised eyes, can be painted so realistically, as if she really saw it.

She didn't even know what it was like to be coquettish, but he could actually imagine it.

And the woman in the painting is eight points like her, and the reason why it is eight points is because the woman
Now, Mu Li couldn't pretend even if she wanted to, and she didn't dare to look at him anymore. She turned her head and scolded in a low voice: "Yuan Yan, what are you drawing..."

She didn't even need to look at the sight beside her that was so gentle that it could burn her body, she knew that Yuan Yan's eyes must be full of the ardent passion that would never be concealed again.

(End of this chapter)

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