Chapter 1078
Ao Qianling yawned lightly, her eyes narrowed slowly, she was really sleepy, and she didn't know why, it seemed that since she was pregnant, she wanted to sleep all day long, could this be the reason? One of the symptoms of pregnancy?

"Then I'll carry you in."

Seeing Ao Qianling nodded, Lie Rulin gently picked Ao Qianling up and walked towards the bedroom.

Ao Qianling already felt very sleepy, before Lie Rulin carried her back to the bedroom, she had already fallen asleep in Lie Rulin's warm and comfortable arms.

Lie Rulin put the sleeping Ao Qianling on the bed with great care, took off her shoes gently, fetched another basin of water, gently washed her face with a towel and wiped her hands. Later, I fetched a basin of water to wash her feet.

Then, he tucked the quilt up for her, and gently kissed her smooth forehead.

He looked at her peaceful face through the light, and his heart was full of happiness. The tall man bent slightly, with his hands resting on the edge of the bed. On her cheek, he had a small straight nose and cherry blossom-like lips. They pecked gently like water.

Only then did Lie Rulin get up reluctantly, turn off the lights in the room, leaving only the sleeping lamp by the bed, and walked out of the room lightly.

He still didn't want to sleep at this time, Lie Rulin came to the study, even though the room where Ao Qianling slept was several rooms away, he still walked lightly and slowed down the movements of his hands, for fear of waking her up and letting her sleep not good.

The doors on both sides of Lie Rulin were not closed, but fortunately when Ao Qianling felt uncomfortable, if she woke up, he would know immediately.

Lie Rulin hurriedly turned on the computer and began to search for some knowledge about pregnancy on the Internet, such as precautions for pregnant women, taboos for pregnant women, what to do and what not to do during pregnancy.

"Contraindications for pregnancy, emotional stability during pregnancy, not getting angry, not doing heavy work, balanced nutrition, and proper exercise. Avoid spicy, fried, and pickled foods in your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and rest more."

Lie Rulin quickly browsed the information on the webpage about what pregnant women should pay attention to, and kept them in mind while reading.

Lie Rulin sat in front of the computer for half an hour. Looking at these knowledge, he couldn't help but feel that these things were more than what he had to learn at the beginning.

I can't help but feel that getting pregnant is really troublesome, and there are so many things to pay attention to.

"House|things to be controlled?"

When Lie Rulin browsed this item, he couldn't help but his eyes widened. Did he make a mistake? There is also this aspect.

He still suppressed the depression in his heart, and continued to look down, "Isn't it, you can't have sex for three months?"

After reading it, Lie Rulin couldn't help leaning on the chair and was a little speechless.

"Well, three months is three months, I will bear it. For my son, for my daughter, these three months are nothing."

When Lie Rulin thought of his baby, he was no longer so depressed. Although it was a very painful thing for him, for the sake of the next generation, no matter how painful it was, he had to endure it.

It's hard to be a man, it's even harder to be a man, and it's even harder to be a man whose wife is pregnant.

Lie Rulin burst into tears, but he quickly adjusted his emotions and continued to look at the webpage on the computer.

"Initial examination, prenatal diagnosis, and radiation. The most dangerous thing is ectopic pregnancy? And miscarriage?"

(End of this chapter)

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