Reborn Concubine Against the Sky

Chapter 505: Ice God Beast 02

Chapter 505: Ice God Beast 02
"Yan Guo Wuhen—" the divine operator said with a slight smile, seeing that Ao Qianling was using Yan Guo Wuhen.

Ao Qianling no longer had fighting spirit, but the strange air flow in her body made her move as smoothly as a cloud without a trace.

Seeing the white figure that was drifting away, Shen Suanzi couldn't help but frowned with a smile.

Good luck to you.

Old man, everything depends on your luck, and I can only help you so far.

Ao Qianling and Backlight moved quickly on the street, flashing like a fleeting image.

The streets were destroyed beyond recognition, all of which were destroyed by those evil monsters.

It was just a momentary thing, Ao Qianling still remembered that when he came here in the middle of the night, it was very bustling and beautiful, with beautiful lanterns everywhere, and it was peaceful.

Now, the street looks very depressed, the lanterns are in a mess, some of them have not been destroyed, and they are in the air, swaying with the wind, looking very bleak.

On the ground, there were many corpses, either trampled to death, or torn apart by monsters, a mess and blood all over the ground.

There are collapsed houses and trees everywhere, and those magical beasts are also scurrying around like fleeing for their lives. When they see people, they will bite madly. If they are hit or stepped on, they will die on the spot.

In some places, fires ignited, and thick smoke billowed.

Ao Qianling asked Huo Yi to put out the fire, which prevented the whole town from burning.

Ao Qianling and Backlight held back their breath, so as not to attract monsters, those monsters are now like lunatics, avoiding as much as they can.

The two walked to a secluded path, avoiding the monsters that scurry out from time to time.

Looking at these small towns that were destroyed overnight, Ao Qianling clenched his fists tightly, that ice beast was too strong, once it appeared, it made all the monsters go to hell, and even harmed such a person.

Judging from the eyes of the fortune teller just now, if he is really that person, he will be guilty of a serious crime now.

Is it because of the appearance of the divine beast that there is that person, or is it because of the appearance of that person that the divine beast comes out.

Ao Qianling didn't know that the current situation was indeed a good thing for Yuhai Town as a whole.

The monsters rioted because they felt the breath of the divine beasts. If it wasn't for the appearance of the ice divine beasts, these people would probably all die.


A loud hissing sound penetrated everyone's eardrums and floated to the entire South China Sea. The sound was so penetrating that it brought a huge shock.

Ao Qianling saw that the magical beasts that were running away in one direction just now turned back because of the hissing sound.

The densely packed monsters all ran towards the forest.

A group of monsters ran past, and those broken walls were completely razed to the ground.

The corpses and remains on the ground were all taken away together.

The whole street was immediately empty.

"Sister Ao, that ice beast seems to be very powerful."

Backlight looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, such a large group of monsters.

No matter how powerful he and Sister Ao are, they probably won't be able to kill or win.

"Indeed, but I like it."

Ao Qianling raised her brows lightly, and her eyes were full of light, which was especially bright in this desolate street.

Only such things are challenging. For a long time, she hasn't felt this kind of enthusiasm.

This, the ice beast, completely aroused her interest and aroused her desire to conquer.

(End of this chapter)

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