Warden of the World

Chapter 307 Two Eggs

Chapter 307 Two Eggs (Sixth)

The blood elephant let out a huge roar, and a strong killing intent flashed in its eyes.

Then the unicorn on top of his head swelled instantly, and a small blood image condensed by gray light rushed towards Lin Fan directly.

Lin Fan held the sky-shaking stick in his hand, with a trace of determination on his face, he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "The first move of the sky-shaking stick, sweeping the wind and clouds!"

He broke out with all his strength, swung the iron rod, and slammed it towards the blood elephant beast's natural attack.


A dull sound came from between the two of them, the sky-shaking stick in Lin Fan's hand slammed the gray attack to the ground, and the violent force blasted a deep black pit below.

And Lin Fan couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body seemed to be drained dry, he shook slightly, and he didn't even have the strength to continue standing on the top of the tree.

"It's actually blocked?!"

Although Lin Fan fell towards the ground, he forcibly knocked away the blood elephant beast's natural attack, which surprised the Black Bull King beside him, and couldn't care less about the blood elephant beast who wanted to take the opportunity to kill Lin Fan and take revenge. He opened his mouth wide, and directly shot out a large net made of black energy.

"Black Bull King!" The Blood Elephant Beast roared at the Black Bull King.

After missing a hit, the blood elephant fell into a rage.

At this time, it already felt that Lin Fan could be easily dealt with with just one more blow, but at this time, the Black Bull King actually made a move.

Once Lin Fan was taken away by the Black Bull King, the Blood Elephant Beast felt that the possibility of killing him with his own hands was almost zero.

"That's enough. Now that the king has made a move, naturally there is nothing to do with you. Do you still want to fight with the king?"

There was an aura more terrifying than that of the blood elephant beast on the Black Bull King, and a chill flashed in his eyes, which made the blood elephant beast take a step back.

Perhaps feeling the killing intent of the Black Bull King, the Blood Elephant roared: "Black Bull King, you..."

"Don't hurry up!"

It's just that before its meaning was expressed, the Black Bull King let out a roar, and then made a posture ready to attack at any time.

Lin Fan fell to the ground, tried his best to support his body with the sky-shaking stick, and with the last bit of strength, he dodged to the side, avoiding the energy net of the Black Bull King.

At this moment, seeing the two guys in the sky who were about to fight, Lin Fan kept praying in his heart: "Screw the shit, do it!"

I don't know if he heard Lin Fan's voice, although the Blood Elephant Beast was a little afraid of the Black Bull King, but when he saw him stand up again, he roared and rushed over.

The Black Bull King next to him flashed his figure, charged obliquely, and collided with the blood elephant beast.

The monstrous fierce flames kept colliding, and the aftermath of waves of energy raged towards the ground.

Lin Fan had no choice but to retract the sky-shaking stick behind him, holding the Yin-Yang wheel high and running towards the distance.

"Made, let's go on like this, the young master will not accompany you!"

He felt that he was running farther and farther, a gleam of joy flashed across his face, and he said anxiously to the system in his heart: "System, don't lie to me, quickly activate the teleportation talisman! If you don't open it, the young master will hang on to the system." This is a secret place!"

"The space is unstable, and the teleportation function cannot be used." The system sound sounded.

"Made, Dogecoin system!" Lin Fan cursed in his heart.

From the looks of it, it was necessary to escape from the battle range of the blood elephant beast and the black bull king before the teleportation could be successfully activated.

"Damn, it's all done like this, these two guys haven't forgotten the young master?"

After he ran wildly for a while, he found that the Blood Elephant Beast and the Black Bull King were still following him, and clusters of violent energy exploded in the sky.


Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't detect it for a while.


Just when Lin Fan was suspicious, an invisible energy hit him directly.

In an instant, his body was thrown high up.

"It's over! My wife hasn't married yet!" An inexplicable sadness arose in Lin Fan's heart. Before he could continue to recall, his vision darkened and he passed out.

At this time, the figures of the Blood Elephant Beast and the Black Bull King also came to the sky above Lin Fan, their eyes were full of coldness.

The Blood Elephant roared, and said, "Black Bull King, do you have to be alive to let me accompany you to perform such a half-day play!"

"Haha, the emperor's order is not to be done! But don't worry, with my emperor's attitude towards outsiders, this kid will die a miserable death!" The Black Bull King responded to the blood elephant beast, and then laughed: "This outsider's His strength is not bad, if he wants to self-destruct, it is estimated that even I will not be able to stop it in time, so I can only confuse him for a while."

After an unknown amount of time, when Lin Fan regained consciousness, he found himself in a place full of bloody smell.

This is an extremely wide cave, with a huge ball inlaid on the top, exuding a faint light.

And he was surrounded by a wave of green vines, and his figure was suspended in mid-air.

After a glance, there were severely injured alien beasts everywhere, of various races, basically there were level 1, 2, and 3 alien beasts, and there was even a level 4 alien beast that was unconscious.

"Fuck, you can meet old friends here!"

He immediately recognized that this level 4 beast turned out to be the wolf that had attacked him. At this time, the wolf was entangled by a vine, and had no intention of waking up.

He could feel his own blood dripping down his toes drop by drop.

"This is?"

When he lowered his head, he found that directly below him, there was a black ball half as tall as a person, exuding a bloodthirsty aura.

"Is this a beast egg?" Lin Fan was stunned for a while before realizing that there was an egg in front of him, an extremely huge black beast egg.

And next to the giant egg, there is a smaller egg. From the perspective of size, there is an obvious gap between the two.

There was no breath on that small egg, and even the vitality was extremely weak.

His blood dripped on the huge egg, and most of it was absorbed, but a little splashed onto the small egg.

I don't know how long I was hung up, even the small egg was almost dyed red.

"Can't recover?"

Lin Fan wanted to take advantage of this time to recover a little bit of strength, but he found that as long as he recovered a little bit of strength, the vines on his body would absorb it, leaving him in a weak state all the time.

"System, Kuai Nima uses the secret teleportation talisman!" Lin Fan immediately cried out in his heart when he came back to his senses.

There is no battle and no lock in front of you, the environment is harmonious, and the space is stable. If you don't leave now, when will you wait?

The Black Bull King didn't kill him, but locked him here, simply giving him a chance to escape.


But at this moment, a voice with supreme majesty came from above, and the trembling surrounding space trembled slightly.

"The space is unstable, and the teleportation function cannot be used." The system sound sounded.


(End of this chapter)

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