Chapter 310 Generous Death

Both sides fought hard, trying to defeat each other, but the combat power of the two sides was very close, and no one could do anything to the other for a while.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

But at this time, more than a hundred people headed by Tianhong Baohua were already very close at hand.

"Jiang Tian."

Tianhong Baohua stepped forward in the air, looking at Jiang Tian like an electric rainbow.

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian felt as if he was being watched by the strong King Wu, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Master Pig, run away!"

But he immediately calmed down and sent a voice transmission to Master Pig.


Master Pig also knew that now was the time to decide life and death, so he stopped playing tricks and went underground in a flash.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I advise you not to run away, otherwise these people will become your funeral objects."

At this time, Tianhong Baohua had already come to the top of the trapped people, and said calmly to Jiang Tian.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to kill them, one day, you will pay back a hundredfold!"

Jiang Tian turned pale with hatred, but said in an extremely flat tone.

As long as Tianhong Baohua slows down for half an hour, he will save everyone and retire.

At this time, Tianhong Baohua killed halfway, and everyone fell into the field of being slaughtered by the opponent. The resentment in his heart can be imagined.

"What a terrifying coercion!"

At this time, all the trapped people turned pale with fright.

Under Tianhong Baohua's terrifying coercion, they could hardly even stand up, and they were completely desperate.

"His Royal Highness, help us!"

Jiang Tian was their only hope, someone begged loudly immediately.

"Your Highness, don't listen to him, run away and avenge us!"

"Yes, Your Highness, Miss Xiaolin, run away!"

However, Xue Guang and Liu Rongrong loudly told Jiang Tian and the others to escape.

Although they didn't want to die, they knew very well that Jiang Tian and the others would not be able to save them if they stayed, and would only sacrifice meaninglessly.


Tianhong Baohua didn't speak, but at this time, a Tianhong king-level genius in black had already entered the formation like a ghost.

"It's really touching."

The genius in black said with emotion, and landed in front of Xue Guang in a flash.


Immediately afterwards, he flashed like a ghost, and the sword was already on Xue Guang's neck.

Xue Guang is just a military commander with perfect cultivation, and the man in black is at least the combat power of Wang Jie's first entry, Xue Guang has no room to resist.

The man in black said playfully: "You are so affectionate and righteous, will he just watch you die?"

"Bah, dog, don't try to provoke discord!"

Instead of being afraid, Xue Guang spit and cursed at the man in black.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. He has been following Jiang Tian for more than half a year.

Whether it is Jiang Tian or the people who follow Jiang Tian with him, they are all very upright people, how can he be soft-boned.


Immediately afterwards, he bumped himself into the spirit sword of the black-clothed genius, and died heroically.

"Xue Guang!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tian felt that his anger was about to explode, and he wished he could rush up and kill Tianhong Baohua and others immediately.

"Your Highness, run quickly, I'm going to accompany Xue Guang!"


At this time, Liu Rongrong showed a sad and beautiful smile on her face, and she also slammed into the man in black's sword point, and died generously.

"Liu Rongrong!"

"Woo, Sister Rongrong!"

This time, Jiang Tian's eyes turned red with hatred, while Lin Shiyan burst into tears.

After more than half a year of getting along, they have established a deep relationship.

Now that Xue Guang and his two resolutely chose to die generously in order not to implicate them, how could they not be filled with grief and hatred!


Seeing the desperate expressions of the trapped people, Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and said to Lin Shiyan.


Lin Shiyan immediately nodded with tears in her eyes, and disappeared in a flash.


Immediately, Jiang Tian collected all the puppets into the Jidao space, and passed them to Mr. Zhu.

Although they couldn't bear to abandon everyone, but the current situation didn't allow it at all, so they could only retreat with grief and anger.

"See, it's not that I won't give you a way to survive, and Jiang Tian doesn't care about your life or death at all."

Seeing that Jiang Tian and Lin Shiyan had passed away, the man in black's eyes became extremely cold, and he said darkly to the trapped people.


Before he finished speaking, he landed in front of a genius from the Great Wu Kingdom, stretched out his hand, and crushed the opponent's neck to pieces.

"Please, don't kill me, my father is very sick and still expecting me to go back..."

Seeing that the man in black was so cruel, a genius from the Star Luo Kingdom immediately begged him bitterly.

"Your father is seriously ill and waiting for you to go back. What does it have to do with me?"

"Martial arts are dangerous, hasn't your teacher taught you?"


Being escaped by Jiang and Tian, ​​the man in black was upset, how could he pay attention to the begging man, and turned him into a blood mist with one punch.

"Kill them all!"

Immediately, he said coldly, and several king-level geniuses worked together to kill all the more than 30 people who were trapped.

And watching everyone being killed, many people in Tianhong Kingdom didn't even have any emotional fluctuations, as if what was destroyed was just an insignificant artifact.


Waiting for the people below to kill them all, Tianhong Baohua said something lightly, and chased after Jiang Tian and the others in a flash.

"Boy, what should we do now?"

Because the time was short, Master Pig didn't escape very far, and asked Jiang Tiandao anxiously.

At this time, Jiang Tian had regained his composure, but his eyes became even colder.

He said to Lord Pig: "Let's escape separately first, and then send it according to the situation."

"it is good!"

Master Pig immediately changed direction and fled to the left.

"Brother Tian, ​​as for me, do I have to run separately too?"

Lin Shiyan's eyes were swollen from crying, and she asked Jiang Tiandao reluctantly.

"Well, let's escape separately first, and we will meet up soon."

Jiang Tian was worried about Lin Shiyan, but now he had no choice but to nod his head ruthlessly.

"Okay then, Brother Tian, ​​I'm leaving."

Although Lin Shiyan was reluctant to give up, she also knew that it was the most correct way to do so, so she immediately unfolded her movements and fled to the front right.

"So fast!"

Only then did Jiang Tian realize that the speed of the little girl was not much slower than him.

"The speed is so fast, and the spiritual power has also changed. Could it be that the Zilian Jue has been promoted to the holy rank?"

After carefully feeling the movement of the little girl's spiritual power, Jiang Tian couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

The battle just now was too intense, he had more than 40 distractions, and he had no energy left to focus on other things.

So I didn't discover the change of the little girl until now.

"Baolin, you go after Jiang Tian, ​​Baoyun, you lead a team to chase that pig demon, and the others follow me to that little girl."

Finding that Jiang Tian's three soldiers were divided into three groups, Tianhong Baohua gave instructions to the man in black and the others, and led the crowd to chase Lin Shiyan.

Of course he knew that Jiang Tian valued the little girl more than himself.

As long as Lin Shiyan is captured, Jiang Tian is not afraid that he will not take the bait.

As for letting Tianhong Baolin, the man in black, go after Jiang Tian alone, it is because Tianhong Baolin is one of the strongest king-level people, and he is good at tracking and assassinating, and has the strength to crush Jiang Tian.

"The speed is so fast!"

Soon, Tianhong Baolin caught up with Jiang Tian, ​​and Jiang Tian frowned.

Tianhong Baolin is the fourth level of Marquis Wu, the level of a quasi-four-star genius, and possesses the combat power of the king rank, which is by no means something he can match now.

You can't fight, you can't escape, how can you resolve the crisis in front of you?

(End of this chapter)

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