Chapter 345 Will You Cry And Laugh For Me?
Because both parents and younger brother have said that they want her to be happy.Therefore, she always tries her best to make herself happier and smile more, so they will be happy too.It's just that behind the joy, sometimes there is so much bitterness, but she can't even tell herself.

"What are you thinking about?" Guan Yanyan waved his hand in front of Lu Xiaoxu's eyes.

"It's nothing." Lu Xiaoxu came back to his senses, and pulled Guan Yanyan's hand: "Aren't you looking for a job before? How did you go?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Guan Yanyan's expression immediately became mysterious: "I came out of the financial office just now, and I heard that the financial manager said that there is a large sum of money to be injected into the company."

"Venture investment?" Lu Xiaoxu's first reaction was this.

"I don't know, I just overheard it. However, I feel that the financial tone is definitely a lot of money. In addition, some time ago, Director Gao also injected a large amount of money into the company, which will be used to bid for Chengnan It feels like the company can really be brought back to life." Guan Yanyan said: "I'm thinking about whether to find a job or not. Anyway, the companies I've interviewed for so far are not very satisfied. You Woolen cloth?"

"I..." Lu Xiaoxu was about to speak, when the phone rang suddenly, and on the caller ID, it was Jun Jinchen's name.

After gesturing to Guan Yanyan, Lu Xiaoxu picked up the phone, and Jun Jinchen's voice came from inside: "Are you at work?"

"Hmm." She responded.

"I'll pick you up when I get off work today." Jun Jinchen's voice was still cold and commanding.

Fortunately, Comrade Lu Xiaoxu is used to it, and there is nothing uncomfortable about it.

"Okay." She replied, and as soon as she hung up the phone, she winked at Shangguan Yanyan.

"By the way, what stage have you and Jun Jinchen reached? Did you kiss?" Guan Yanyan had an expression that wanted to gossip.

Lu Xiaoxu rolled her eyes. If she told the other party at this moment that she had already hit a home run and hit it several times, she wondered if her jaw would drop.

When it was time to get off work, Lu Xiaoxu ran all the way downstairs to the company, and sure enough, he saw Jun Jinchen's car on the side of the road opposite the company.

Compared with other luxury cars, although his car is also expensive, its appearance is unassuming, giving people a feeling of low-key luxury.

Just like his person, with a stern appearance and a cold temperament, only when you get to know him and get to know him can you understand what kind of person he is.

Panting a bit, she climbed into the car, Lu Xiaoxu sat on the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, turned to look at Jun Jinchen and said, "How long have you been waiting?"

"Just waited for a while." He raised his head and began to pluck her slightly messy hair from running: "Next time, don't run so fast, you will fall easily."

"...Oh" Comrade Xiaoxu occasionally feels that Jun Jinchen treats her like a child.But this feeling of being pampered is not bad.It will even make her feel quite comfortable, and there will be a sense of solidity and reliability.

Jun Jinchen started the car and got on the road: "Where do you want to eat?" he asked.

"It's okay, just don't go to places that are too expensive." Otherwise, looking at the menu prices, her heart would tremble.Although she doesn't have to pay for the meal, she feels uncomfortable whenever she thinks that a meal she eats is her monthly salary.

Later, Lu Xiaoxu once concluded that he felt that this should be a civilian syndrome. He has been an ordinary person for too long, and he can't adapt to high consumption all at once.

Fortunately, Jun Jinchen never cared about these things. Sometimes when Lu Xiaoxu wanted to eat at a street stall, he would generously accompany her to eat.

He is obviously the kind of rich and noble son, but he is a little different from what she imagined.

"By the way, you seem to seldom wear military uniforms recently." Lu Xiaoxu looked at Jun Jinchen's clothes and said.When she met him before, he would sometimes wear a military uniform.But recently he always met her in his usual everyday clothes.

"Well, you don't want to be too noticeable," he replied.

She was startled, and suddenly understood.Jun Jinchen is already quite attractive, if he is wearing a military uniform and dating her, it is estimated that the rate of turning heads will be even higher.That's why he deliberately avoided wearing military uniforms every time he was with her.

"Then... When we meet in the future, do you deliberately wear it occasionally?" She asked.

He raised his eyebrows, and glanced at her from the corner of his eye: "Why?"

"You look good in a military uniform." That's a uniform, a uniform!Comrade Lu Xiaoxu muttered silently in his heart.

Jun Jinchen smiled softly: "Okay."

She almost indulged in his smile again.The colder the person, the more attractive he will be once he smiles.

Jun Jinchen drove the car to a restaurant where Lu Xiaoxu had eaten before, and liked the taste of the food here, and the price environment was where ordinary young couples would spend.

After entering the store, Lu Xiaoxu ordered a few dishes, but saw Jun Jinchen looking at his watch: "Do you have anything to do later?" She asked curiously.

"To take you somewhere." He replied.

She immediately asked like a curious baby: "Where are you going?" Jun Jinchen rarely said deliberately that he wanted to take her somewhere, so Lu Xiaoxu's curiosity immediately reached its peak.

However, he didn't answer her immediately, but looked at her with a look that she couldn't understand.

"What's the matter?" Such a look, on the contrary, made her heart thump.

"Will you cry and laugh for me one day?" He asked abruptly, and his pitch-black phoenix eyes became deeper and deeper.

"What?" Lu Xiaoxu didn't respond for a while.

Jun Jinchen raised his hand, crossed the table, gently stroked her eyes with his fingertips, and then slowly moved to her lips.

She only felt that the place touched by his fingers was burning hot.

"Will you cry and laugh for me?" he asked again.

Her head flickered, and she suddenly understood what he was referring to!Last time, at the concert, when Hua Yuze sang, she was crying and laughing.

Because Hua Yuze made her think of her younger brother, as if at that moment, it was her younger brother who stood on the stage.

Lu Xiaoxu blinked her eyes, and stared fixedly at the man in front of her. Although she didn't understand why he suddenly said this, but—"Yes." She said with certainty.Imagine that if one day, he and her are separated for too long, she promises to cry and laugh when she sees him.

(End of this chapter)

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