Chapter 399 Let Her Be My God (3)

Xu Ying didn't expect that he could come out alive for the second time, but his mouth was full of blood after being punched by Xiao Han, and the blood overflowed from the corner of his lips when he spoke, "I underestimated you! But..."

The voice paused, and the eyes looked at the fallen mercenaries, and the eyes were secretive, "How did you manage to bring down those people in an instant?"

Xiao Han didn't need to answer this question, Feng Lanlan and Xiao Yu, who were standing not far away, walked over at a leisurely pace.

Feng Lanlan put his hands in his pockets, his pure baby face was not put on makeup, he looked like a little girl who had just grown up, and said in a crisp voice: "Is it difficult? It's just a spell!"

"Spell?" Xu Ying stared desperately at Feng Lanlan, barely seeing a girl turned upside down, puzzled, "Who are you?"

Who is she and how can she do something that even a werewolf can't do?
"I know you. The patriarch said that you are not a good person and like to trample on life. If you meet you, be careful, or you will be taken as a frog and dissected." What, and immediately added: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I belong to the witch family, a little witch."

Probably because Xiao Yu was by his side, he blinked playfully without any timidity or fear.

"Witch...witch...witch..." Xu Ying repeated silently three times in a row, and suddenly laughed wildly, "There are actually witches in this world, why did you appear... let me see you..."

He wanted to touch Feng Lanlan with his muddy hands, but when he was about to touch Feng Lanlan, he stepped back, his brows slightly frowned, his eyes made her feel very uncomfortable, very...disgusting.

The strength on Xiao Han's feet was a little heavier, and his facial features were deformed by stepping on it. He didn't seem to care at all, he didn't know the pain, and looked at Feng Lanlan with excited eyes full of madness.

If a wolf girl and a witch can be brought back, his experiment will be successful in a short time, and he will become the greatest biologist!
His eyes were full of desire and madness, which made Wei Zixi and Feng Lanlan very uncomfortable. Feng Lanlan hid directly beside Xiao Yu, muttering softly: "Are all geniuses crazy? What if I'm a witch?" , Witches are human too! What is there to study!"

Xiao Yu looked sideways at the little head poking out from behind him, his eyes were full of light. Doesn't this silly girl know the truth of the innocent and the guilty?

Wei Zixi's delicate facial features showed no expression. She took two steps forward, squatted down slowly, and looked at Xu Ying's cloudy eyes, as if seeing something through his eyes.

Xu Ying's eyes shifted from Feng Lanlan to Wei Zixi who was close in front of him, and he smiled coldly, "This world still belongs to us humans in the end, do you think monsters like you are worthy of living in this world?" ? Your existence is only for human beings to study, and then become stronger, and completely wipe out your group of alien existences, hahahaha..."

Wei Zixi was not angry after hearing his words, but Xiao Han stomped on his head fiercely in anger, and warned in a tense voice: "Try to scold her again?"

Xu Ying let out a low cry of pain, blood flowed out of his head slowly, and the scarlet liquid covered most of his face, making him look even more ferocious and distorted.

Wei Zixi stared at him for a moment, then suddenly said in a calm voice, "You are afraid of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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