Chapter 410 I Got It, Reciprocity

Wei Zixi raised her head to meet his gaze, and shook her head: "No!"

He did this for his own sake, not to mention that Xu Ying hurt himself first, so he couldn't be beaten on the left side of the cheek without fighting back, and then stretched out the right side of the cheek to be beaten.

She is not a virgin.

Xu Ying was dying, squinting his eyes to see Wei Zixi, pursed his dry and peeling lips, and lost the strength to speak.

Xiao Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she doesn't feel cruel.

After giving the Grim Reaper a look in the dark corner, the two walked out, leaving Wei Zixi to talk to Xu Ying alone.

Wei Zixi walked around the stone table, probably because he had watched too many medical information books and videos in the past two days, and had no physiological reaction to such a bloody scene.

She walked to the chair and sat down, resting her hand on the armrest of the chair and holding her cheek, "Because we werewolves are naturally powerful, we are regarded as a scourge by humans, and they want to skin us and cramp us. Do you think this is fair?"

Xu Ying glanced at her, closed his eyes slowly, and said nothing.

"I just came here today to ask you something." Wei Zixi said lightly, regardless of whether he ignored her, "Is Zhou Mingbai's research on my plan related to your laboratory?"

Xu Ying opened his eyes when he heard Zhou Mingbai's name, looked straight at Wei Zixi, and wanted to nod after a while.

"I see." Before he nodded, Wei Zixi spoke first: "It's not him."

Surprise flashed across Xu Ying's eyes, how did she know that he didn't say anything?

Wei Zixi smiled lightly: "If it's really Zhou Mingbai, Wei Ziyue won't die. I wasn't sure at first, but seeing your reaction now I'm sure, Zhou Mingbai is not the boss behind the scenes."

Xu Ying frowned, but he didn't expect her to be so smart.

"It's fine if it's not Zhou Mingbai, because I don't really want to be his enemy." Wei Zixi got up, and his eyes fell on the torture tools beside him. Some of the various torture tools didn't know how to use them.

After looking around, his eyes fell on a towel and a saber.

Wei Zixi picked up the towel and saber and walked in front of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying looked at her with wide eyes, and tried his best to squeeze out a broken sentence: "You, what do you want to do, what to do..."

Wei Zixi tied the towel on his dirty eyes, and his voice fermented softly in the air, "During the time when I was pregnant with Xinbao, I was taken care of by you, and I experienced the feeling of pumping bone marrow without anesthetic. I should take care of you too."

"' don't remember?" Xu Ying's voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible.

Wei Zixi chuckled, the laughter was without warmth, as cold as snow, "It's probably God's pity, I remembered a little bit, unfortunately it was the part when I was tortured by you."

The saber in her hand rested on Xu Ying's wrist, "It doesn't matter if you don't say who the mastermind behind the scenes is, because we will investigate by ourselves. This time, I will not let anyone hurt me or anyone I care about. As for you I slowly experience the feeling of blood flowing out of my body bit by bit, I can’t see it, but I can feel my life is losing, but I never know when death will come.”

What could be more painful than knowing that you are going to die but not knowing when?
Wei Zixi cut a bone-like wound on his wrist, and placed a small bucket under it. When he was not speaking, the sound of liquid falling into the bucket was very clear in the silent torture room...

 [Tenth update] [See you tomorrow] There will be no update at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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