Chapter 247 The Invincibility (9)

Such a hysterical Ye Lan made Ye Xingtong deeply distressed and afraid at the same time.


Mother will be forced to this step by them?
"Say, where is Xu Qingwei? Tell me where she is!!!"

Ye Lan's roar tore through the spacious lobby of the building. The quiet air was like a taut string. Once pulled, it would create sharp and severe wounds.

No one dared to answer Ye Lan's question, and even in their eyes, after Ye Lan exposed this kind of news, he went to the company to make a fuss, which was simply out of manner and ridiculous.Not to mention the complete breakdown of the relationship with President Su, there is even an illusion that misleads others, thinking that Ye Lan is an unruly, aggressive and unreasonable resentful woman.

Xu Qingwei has followed Su Haotian for more than 20 years without a name, and what others see is her forbearance, gentleness and generosity. In contrast, Ye Lan's arrogance and unreasonableness can be compared even more.

In this way, all the people in the negative news confirmed Ye Lan's bad comments.

The truth is often not as simple as it appears on the surface. In fact, too many people who don't like to explain will be evaluated by the outside world with colored eyes.Her heart is like a mirror, and her mind is like water. She never treats everything she sees with a dirty heart, but the people who look at her look at her with the dirtiest eyes.

Ye Lan has a clear conscience, but feels wronged and wronged for herself.

"Let me ask you again, where is Xu Qingwei? If you don't tell me, I'll go up and look for it myself, and make things worse. I don't believe she won't come out!"

The desperate Ye Lan clenched her teeth, she already had a plan in mind.

The people around looked at each other in blank dismay, some whispered, and some calmly took out their mobile phones, not knowing what they were doing.

Ye Xingtong looked around, only to feel that the eyes around her were about to overwhelm her. She felt suffocated and uncomfortable, so she couldn't help but hold Ye Lan's hand tightly, and asked her in a low voice, "Mom, I know Xu Qingwei did this, but What can you do if you are looking for her now? She is best at pretending and confronting her head-on, and she can't do any harm to her at all."

So she hated it even more, and became more determined in her plan to avenge her mother.

"Tongtong, mom knows you're protecting me, be good, this time, mom has made her decision!"

Ye Lan patted Ye Xingtong's stiff hand reassuringly, her eyes sank, her breathing was slow and calm, and the raging hatred was suppressed in her calmness.

Ye Xingtong knew that he couldn't persuade his mother, so he finally swallowed the worry he was about to say.

During the quiet waiting, no one noticed that there were strangers swarming in from outside the lobby. Although they were squeezed out of the crowd, the SLR cameras they held in their hands pointed the lens at Ye Lan.In fact, after the shocking news of XX shopping mall, they were keenly aware of the subsequent development trend of this single news.

Whether it is a romantic farce, or the final subversive result, any follow-up development is definitely newsworthy.

In the silence, there was a sudden "ding" sound from the elevator.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Xu Qingwei, who was dressed in noble clothes, stepped out slowly. With a gentle and generous smile, she passed through the crowd and walked towards Ye Lan.

Looking at each other, she had an obvious provocative smile overflowing at that glance.

"Sister, I got a call saying you are looking for me?"

"Yes, I'm looking for you!"

Ye Lan took a deep breath in vain, then smiled unexpectedly, and walked forward at the same time, looking directly at her face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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