Chapter 704 703. Sword Maniac

Outside the glazed pagoda.

"What is this huge breath?"

Originally, those warriors who were gathering outside the glazed tower suddenly seemed to sense something, and opened their eyes in amazement, looking towards a certain place.

"What a powerful breath!"

"Is this aura emanating from Master Xianhu?"


Amidst the bursts of exclamation, everyone turned their gazes towards the fairy fox.It doesn't matter if you look at it, but the people who looked at it couldn't help but gasped.I saw that a huge and mighty aura quickly circled around the body of the fairy fox, and gradually turned into a shocking hurricane.

At first, this hurricane was not huge, it was only able to blow some fine sand and stones on the ground.But after a while, the wind became more and more violent, and it reached its peak in an instant.Uprooted the towering ancient trees, and swept away towards the sky under a horrified gaze!

"This is……"

"Eight Wastelands!"

"Master Xianhu has finally broken through and reached the cultivation base of the Eight Desolation Realm!"

Amidst bursts of exclamations, Xianhu slowly opened his eyes.In the next moment, a ray of light that could penetrate the void shot out from his eyes fiercely, and the people around felt this sharp gaze, their bodies trembled and their faces turned pale.

"Is this the cultivation level of the Eight Desolation Realm?"

"It's really scary. Just by looking at it, my whole body feels like I've been torn apart by him!"

Under the admiring eyes of everyone, Xianhu raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

"Finally reached the Eight Desolation Realm!"

"In this way, even if Ye Han is given a period of time to practice in the glazed pagoda, he will not be my opponent!"

"I have just arrived in the Eight Desolation Realm, and my foundation is not too solid. Take advantage of this period of time to stabilize my cultivation, and wait for that kid Ye Han to come out, and then take advantage of the opportunity to kill him!"


The stars are spinning.

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Han had already reached the No.11 floor of the Glazed Tower, which was also the second-to-last floor.

"Even the gun slave has been defeated by you?" Ye Han had just stabilized when he heard a questioning sound full of anger.He looked forward and saw a huge man nearly two meters tall looking at him in surprise.

"For such a young boy, the gun slave should be letting go, right?"

"However, you will stop here. Even if you defeat the Gun Slave, you will not be able to pass through me! I am the No.11 guard sword maniac!"

Following the man's voice, he swung his right hand, and he picked up a huge knife that was as tall as a person as light as a feather, and thrust it heavily into the ground. The terrifying blade penetrated half a meter into the ground.Just such a simple action made Ye Han raise his eyebrows.This man named Dao Kuang exudes a terrifying, human-eating aura in every move he makes.

"Let's start!" Dao Kuang grinned, "I don't know how many moves you can hold in my hands?"

"Let me make the first move?" Ye Han frowned.

"Yes! Because, if I strike first, I'm afraid you will lose with one move!" Dao Kuang said confidently.

Is it?

Ye Han smiled faintly, and the next moment his gaze suddenly became sharp.Since he was underestimated by the other party, he naturally wouldn't hold back.Turning the left hand around, the Seven Extremes Heavenly Sacred Bead rises majesticly, and in an instant, it transforms into seven mountains and suppresses it away.

The rolling mountains, the air around the bombardment buzzed.

Dao Kuang laughed loudly and said, "Something interesting!"

He didn't pay attention to Ye Han at all.His right hand creaked, and his five fingers, like the twisted roots of an old tree, stretched out and grabbed the giant knife. With a 'clang' sound, the giant knife was drawn out, and it swung forward fiercely.Just hearing a piercing whistling sound, a terrible gust of wind turbulently rose in the void.

The Qiji Heavenly Sacred Bead that was bombarding towards him lost its luster after being slashed by the sword madly, and shot backwards uncontrollably!

"Boy, let's see how I make moves!" Slashing the Qiji Heavenly Sacred Bead, Dao Kuang laughed boldly and took a step forward.This step, as if he had comprehended the law of space, shone directly in front of Ye Han.At the same time, he held the saber in both hands, and the gigantic saber slashed like the sky falling apart!
This knife seems ordinary, but it contains a certain rhythm. With one slash, all the obstacles around are cut off one after another, and it is suppressed in front of Ye Han in an instant.

"Not moving like a mountain!"

After cultivating on the tenth floor for a month, although Ye Han didn't make much progress in his cultivation, his combat experience was different from the past.If he encountered this move of Dao Kuang before, he would have to forcibly parry and start to defend.As the saying goes, if you suffer for a long time, you will lose. Once you enter the defensive posture, you will be taken advantage of by the sword maniac immediately, and you will fail completely with at most three moves!

Therefore, at this moment, he does not retreat but advances, and directly chooses to fight!
At this moment, Ye Han's aura suddenly increased, and the originally shaky aura not only stabilized quickly at this moment, but also transformed into a majestic and majestic mountain, giving people an unshakable and unshakable feeling.

"I didn't expect the gun slave to teach you the immovability of a mountain!"

"Hmph, so what if you learn this trick? The gun slave is not my opponent. If you learn his marksmanship, it's just picking up people's teeth, and you're not worthy of being my opponent!"

Dao Kuang felt Ye Han's aura, and immediately smiled disdainfully, and the giant knife in his hand chopped off with a more ferocious gesture.This knife even left a black scratch in the void, and it struck Ye Han in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Han suddenly attacked.


"This... this is not Gun Slave's 'Mountainless Mountain'!"

Suddenly, Dao Kuang's complexion changed drastically.

Gun slave's 'mountain' is a majestic mountain. Although it is tall and steep, it can still be conquered.

But Ye Han's 'mountain' went straight into the sky, as if people couldn't see the top of the mountain at a glance.Under this mountain, even he couldn't help showing a gesture of worship, and couldn't help trembling.

At the same time, when the gun came, Dao Kuang felt that this mountain, which was as high as the sky, completely collapsed at this moment.This collapsing posture made him feel powerless to fight against, as if he would be overwhelmed by this collapsing mountain at any time!
"That's right! This move is created by me, Ye Han, and it's dozens of times more subtle than the gun slave's move!"

Ye Han looked as usual.

While speaking, Ye Han's Emperor Spirit Spear had already hit Dao Kuang's blade heavily, and suddenly a burst of intense light surged towards the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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