Chapter 1002
After staying with the kitten for a while, Xiao Tangyuan, who had completely untied the knot in his heart, patted the dirt on his buttocks, stood up and left happily.

He had to go back and do his homework before his mother and father came back.

Secretly buying the old eunuch must not be discovered by his parents, otherwise he will be a bad boy in his parents' eyes. They won't like bad children. How can he lose his parents' love for Zhao Zijun?

After eating at noon, Qin Yufeng said that he would check the glutinous rice balls homework.

Tang Yuan happily showed Qin Yufeng her homework, and stood in front of her like a straight young white poplar, waiting to be praised by her father.

Qin Yufeng opened the pages of the book and looked it over, found out what Tangyuan didn't understand and explained it patiently to him, seeing that he suddenly realized, Qin Yufeng closed the pages.

He looked at the little baby in front of him tenderly, and held his little shoulder, "Are you good at home today?"

The glutinous rice balls are a bit guilty.

He is not good today.

He forced the guard brother to secretly take him out to buy the old eunuch...

But of course you can't tell your father about this.

So he tried his best not to look guilty and afraid at all, and lied calmly and said, "I'm good. I have been studying at home with my husband today, except that I was a little sleepy before, so I went back to the room to take a nap, and spent the rest of the time with my husband." Beside, very good."

Qin Yufeng looked at the little glutinous rice balls with a smile. Although he didn't say a word, the complaints in his heart were about to flood the screen.

Be good!
You think I don't know what you're doing, do you?

You have learned how to threaten brother guard, huh?
You think that if you run out while taking a nap at noon, no one will notice you, you think you are doing it perfectly, don't you?
But have you forgotten that although you are the little master of those guards, your mother and I are their real masters. If you think you threatened them not to tell us, they will really shut up Didn't say a word?

They sold you out as soon as they turned around.

Qin Yufeng pulled the glutinous rice balls to him, picked up the little guy and sat on his lap.

Squeezing the little guy's face, his eyes are full of pride and worry - you little villain, you are only two months away from turning five years old, you are so thoughtful, and dare to secretly harm others, why are you so Yes, it is much better than your father when he was a child!
Tang Yuan tilted her head and looked at Qin Yufeng blankly.

Why did his father keep looking at him without speaking?
Could it be that the bad things he did were discovered by his father?
He just had a little guilty guess, and when he looked at Qin Yufeng's eyes without anger, this guess was quickly suppressed.

He tried his best to comfort himself, no, if his father knew that he ran out to do bad things, he would have pulled up his pants and pressed him on his lap to beat him up, so he wouldn't be hugging him so calmly. He touches his cheek.

"Father, what are you doing looking at me like this? Did someone tell you something?"

He reached out to hold Qin Yufeng's hand, and asked coquettishly, pretending to be okay.

Qin Yufeng bent his lips, "Little Tangyuan has said that she is very good today, are you still worried that someone will say bad things to my father? I am not afraid of the shadow, our little Tangyuan is so good, even if someone tells my father that Xiaotangyuan ran out to play today -"


Xiao Tangyuan suddenly trembled with fright, and subconsciously squeezed her palms tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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