Chapter 835 Wrong, All Wrong
"As a heart demon that does all kinds of evil, if it seizes control of my body and doesn't kill and set fire to do all kinds of evil things, then what is it doing?"

Could it be that what he thought to be calm was actually a demon secretly brewing something even more terrifying?

Qin Liyao pursed his lips and looked at the blue sky.

This anxiety entangled him like a poisonous snake, and he was afraid that one day he would wake up and find that the world had changed, and the person who caused all the tragedies was the demon inside him.

It was he who gave birth to the demons, and the demons controlled his body to do evil. If one day the demons really caused countless tragedies, then the murderer was not only the demons, but he would also be one of them.

Every time he thought of this, he wanted to just destroy his own body. In this way, the inner demons would disappear with his death.


After all, he is afraid of death.

It doesn't matter if he is selfish or cowardly, if he doesn't see this continent being destroyed by his heart demon, he will not be willing to end his life for a day.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone him whose whole family is dead and only one single seedling is left to inherit the blood?

Ji Wushuang, who was far away in Dazhao country, didn't even know that her reasoning about the ninth level of ability was completely wrong.

She didn't even know that what Qin Yufeng saw in her dream was from her previous life. When the two of them died again, the heart demon had already changed their minds, and the person who was regarded as the Gu king by the heart demon was no longer her, but Qin Yufeng...

The next day.

The first thing she did when she woke up was to go to the courtyard to find the gemstone necklace.

That night, the supernatural water ball she placed was not touched by anyone. She knew that the gemstone necklace was still in place, and she was not worried about being stolen. What she was worried about now was whether the space spirit had regained contact with the outside world?
If not, then it means that the behind-the-scenes really tampered with the space spirit...

Ji Wushuang was anxious and a little heavy. She ran to the place where the box was buried and quickly dug the soil to dig it up.

Opening the box, spreading his fingers to collect the supernatural water ball, Ji Wushuang looked at the gemstone necklace lying quietly in the box, and his heart almost rose to his throat.


You must be here.

Ji Wushuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, took a deep breath, and then probed his consciousness into the gemstone space.

The rejection and backlash she had envisioned did not materialize.

Her consciousness entered the space very smoothly.

Looking at the green sweet potato seedlings, Ji Wushuang almost jumped up for joy!

"Master master master!"

The space spirit was also very happy. It pawed at the wall of the space and said happily: "Master, I'm fine! Last night I cut off the connection with the outside world in support of your words. Just after cutting off, the corpse stopped moving!"

Ji Wushuang also said happily, "Really? This is really great. The baby doesn't have to be kept in a small dark room, and the master can talk to the baby every day again. The master is so happy."

Space Spirit twisted her transparent body shyly, and asked Ji Wushuang expectantly, "Then...does this prove that the black-hearted mastermind didn't do anything to me?"


The smile on Ji Wushuang's face receded slightly, and she sighed, "You can't say that. Because none of us know whether the calm at this moment is deliberately shown to us by the behind-the-scenes."

(End of this chapter)

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